
Raylan: Look at you, hopping to like Mr. Hospitality. Must be hiding something good.

She was sleeping with Raylan after he came back to town in S1, at that point, she was scared to death of Boyd. So when she's saying "it's always been you" she referring to, of course, the time since she made the decision to be with Boyd, which was near the end of S2. Since then, she hasn't slept with Raylan, or been

You have to do it right, or else you can't do it. I guess that's the argument. I don't get all wrapped up in make-believe shows. They're meant for entertainment, and I'm not saying rape is entertaining, but it can be used as a terrible act committed that can lead to the need for revenge, or lead the audience to

You don't watch shows of people sleeping. You only get an hour, in the first few seasons, all the talk was of war, and the only real battle scene, was the end of S2. Just a ton of planning and strategy mixed in between. And that's what this show is, most of time, people talking about what has happened and what to do

I agree with that, and I think this show does just that. It's not just brutality draped in brutality with pointless rape and violence throughout. But whenever there is a particularly hard to watch sex or violent scene, it's talked about like it's all the show is, when it's really only a small part. Basically

Sexual Violence.. only OK if it's done right!

Can't even throw Raylan Givens and Boyd Crowder in there under the "duo" section? what has happened in the world?

Once you start you won't stop. The way season 1 starts is excellent. And the final 3 ep of S1 are great.. It rolls right into S2 and from there it's just non stop. It won't feel like a tall order. It will be pure enjoyment :)

I enjoyed it, but it did meander a lot towards the end, with Don on his little "getaway" staying in the shabby hotel and getting played by that bus boy and beat up by the old vets. But I thought the ending was clever, Don unable to sit in one of those big company advertising meetings, everyone with their pen and paper

1. Justified
2. Raylan Givens
3. Boyd Crowder
4. Wynn Duffy

You should watch Justified, start to finish.

Yeah, these lists are funny, top 10 makes some sense I guess, I feel like Justified got a little slighted.. just such a fantastic show.. one where the best parts are just 2 characters talking to one another.. so much hidden beneath every word.. It will be missed..

the man with 4 kidneys

Don't we all, Wynn Duffy is rumored to be surfing in Figi. lol

I don't know, I thought S6 was a great season. Markham and Hale were great, Duffy is always great, Boyd was pushed to the edge, and Raylan was on top of everything like always. It led to some great Boyd/Raylan scenes, which is always my favorite part of the show. The Ava storyline in S5 was tough to take, I think they

Justified should be on the list, every year, until the end of existence. I have to say, I miss Raylan Givens, Boyd Crowder, and of course, Wynn Duffy.

They'd have to find someone else to work all those gadgets

You are probably correct. But I can't downplay the past relationship of Miss Evers and March. It could come back into play, with March finally choosing Miss Evers over The Countess.

I guess the Vampires in "A.H.S Hotel" can walk in the sunlight? Strange to not see the Detective in this episode, after such a big reveal, to just not even show him, when there's obviously a lot going on inside the hotel where he supposedly lives, is just strange. Not a bad episode, kind of treading water the whole

I never understood the hype that surrounded "Garden State" for so many years. It was an OK movie, not terrible, or great. But I will say that I absolutely loved "Scrubs." Braff was the star, but J.D was far from the best character. Turk and J.D's relationship was priceless, as well as Dr. Cox and J.D. And who could