
Seems like a logical decision.

Someone says "help" into their walkie talkie and Daryl picks it up right as it cuts out.

Maggie already decided not to go out and try to save him. That happened last week, plus the fact that Maggie ends up playing a major leadership role, and it's already being set up that way, point to Maggie not dying. Glenn will die eventually, but not this way.

The Morgan episode was so much better than this one. I love Daryl, Abraham and Sasha. But all the beats this week were very predictable. The scene where Abraham gets the rocket launcher was great, but everything else was kind of boring. While the Morgan episode provided people with 6 seasons worth of wondering what

Do you direct TV episodes? Do you do a lot of fight scene direction? Came here to read a review of the finale, instead I got paragraph after paragraph of whining about the director of the episode. Thought this was a fun 13 episodes. It had to end with Matt fighting Fisk. While we know Ben is dead, I'm not sure about

Ok, I totally get that, I knew the show was going to do a "slow burn" with the characters coming to realize what's really going on out there. They have just given (Travis especially) enough encounters with these things, to the point where you'd think that any real life normal human being in the same situation would at

I don't know man, that's a lot of ignorance there for a normal functioning human being, especially surrounded by people you care about. I understand that he's trained to defuse situations, but sometimes you come across things that aren't everyday type situations, I think seeing multiple people come back to life and

I don't think who's dog it was is relevant. It's not like it's ok to watch someone eat a dog on your living room floor.. as long as it's not your dog.

Yeah, I hear what you're saying, but if I'm in a room with people I love, and my neighbor is eating my dog right in front of me, then gets up and starts coming at me, growling, blood coming out of his mouth from where he was just EATING MY DOG!!!, I'm definitely not going to say, "hey Bill, you look sick, come lay on

The rioting stemmed from the younger population believing that the cops shot and killed an innocent homeless man, and I guess you may be a little detached from the real world, because anything that can be used an an excuse to party scream yell and break shit, without consequences, will be taken advantage of by crazy

The review gave the impression that the male characters were curmudgeonly and sounded like gravel when they were speaking, so in general, all characters in this movie weren't strong fantastic characters, just don't understand the Kristen Schaal thing especially, those attributes are some of her strongest suites as an

Lol. I guess I was

Older? I don't know about that, and I love how everyone feels the need to deny it.. The perfect example of this is S1 of True Detective, a show about 2 men, told from their point of views, and god forbid the women characters didn't meet everyone's criteria. That's all I'm trying to say here, there's really nothing

I 100% agree. It's just people, there's nothing you can do about it, I just get crazy when I see leaders from the House Committee of Science and Space Technologies talk about global warming without even the knowledge of elementary level science. "If the ice in my water melts, my cup doesn't overflow, it's

I don't think it was meant to be as serious as you're making it out to be

The main argument is.. "Why should I research something I don't believe in."

Read about Operation Northwoods. JFK wasn't as bad as you think, But after reading this I don't really know what, if any, thought went into it.

It's not suppose to be interesting, it's pretty simplistic, everyone is always looking to be offended by something, in reality it's very understandable, in movies and TV, it's becoming so over the top that it's hard to keep up with.

Idris Elba not suave? tell that to Stringer Bell

The TV series was so great, Hugh Dancy and Mads Mikkelsen were amazing together, along with Laurence Fishburne. The relationship built between Will and Hannibal on Television had so much more depth than anything we've seen in Film. Maybe that's because they had 39 episodes to build that relationship as opposed to 2