This makes me love Tampa even more. Best city ever!
This makes me love Tampa even more. Best city ever!
Reminds me of the youtube channel B is for Build. He just fixed up a salvaged Lotus.
I recently went to a Trailer Park Boys (if you dont know then youtube it) and there was almost several fights between hecklers who where drunk and people who just wanted to watch the show.
Depending on the stretch of road thats only 5 over...and dont halt traffic. Even if you are going the speed limit you will get a ticket if you are impeeding the speeders in the left hand lane...Because Florida
a buddy i know has a 2011 mazda3 but bought it brand new with no key fob....i didnt even know they still sold cars without keyfobs anymore
i got pulled over 113 on 275 in tampa and somehow got a warning and was told to stop driving like a jackass....Damn i love Tampa
Im at 85k with my 535i with no mechanical issues except the aftermarket air suspension. Not really running high boost however
the passat back seats have SO much room!
1. Awesome AC Schnitzer!
Dont eat the steak n shake in the southwest terminal...
most convenient and easiest to use airport has to be TPA. Never a problem except when Tampa has shitty weather
after buying a brand new Jaguar in 1999 my father will probably never by a new luxury car ever again. He owned it for maybe 6 years and ended up trading the car in. The car cost around 80k new and the trade in value was somehwere between 13k to 16k
thats illegal lane splitting actually
in stop and go traffic its highky unlijely scenario...I dont see lanesplitting at 45mph traffic
i do not drive motorcycles. there are 80 year olds who are perfectly capable of merging lanes on a highway in California xD. Also if you merging and a motorcycle roars up on you fuck him. you have a right to merge when you had enough room. He/she is just being aggressive. Keep up what you are doing but stop being so…
im amazed the n54 made it that far! any #35i off warranty should be a steal
sounds like the 335i and m3 in the late 2000s
I would love to be the insurance company underwriting this liability policy...
I see you never owned an Avenger. Trust me it deserves to be where its at.