William Rice

No stealth. The military only plans for Peer force wars (that won’t happen) and that requires stealth to last past day one.

I’d pay 1800 because it’s clean. Hence, CP

Foster parenting is way harder than adoption. You have to take in a kid from a bad home and work with both the kid and the parents to get them back together. Brutally hard if you care for the kid and want them to stay with you.

I understand the system as it is now but some are calling for sales only to FFLs.

The problem here is one of property rights, and government inserting itself into lawful transactions between citizens. If I want to sell my gun to my brother, there are people that think I should have to take my property, sell it to a pawn shop then the pawn show will sell it to my brother and pocket the profits.

Should not the President of the United states speak from a podium bearing his seal? Strange optics of the President speaking from behind a menorah.

Requiring that all vehicles be autonomous would stop this kind of attack.

true. However, they could make a few more dollars less expensively by making tripe.

This is the best NASCAR article I’ve read all year. And I like NASCAR.

The example of the Learning channel showing Honey Boo Boo and the Discovery channel showing Street outlaws is not good enough for you?

I’m in the same boat. I have a hard time caring and would rather do things than watch things.

It’s effing CUP! They should be allowed unlimited tires. Tire strategy is for the Busch series and trucks.

Especially after a long Memorial day weekend Sunday, WTF are they thinking making this race go longer? Damn race won’t end till midnight.

where did you get this information? Care to cite your sources?

Thanks for the clarification. I’m very surprised by this.

I’m a Democrat and This is still a petty bullshit article.

Staff and press fly on a V-22 the president flies in AF-2 they take all of the above with them. Also a V-22 can be airlifted quite well. Look up a video of the wings swinging.

Now, how much does it cost to fly the C-17s full of gear, helicopters, V-22s, and limousines? One piece down, a bunch to go.

Exactly! Was foster care not good enough for you? Were you too poor for Catholic charities?

We cannot say that a carrier has not been hit with a modern torpedo or cruise missile. The USS America was taken out of service in a live fire exercise that remains classified.