William Rice

It is illegal in Florida to have flashers on while moving.

My LeEco Le Pro 3 is really an awesome phone, regardless of the price. Two in my immediate family and one as a gift have all done remarkably well. With the same SOC as a google pixel at less than half the price, I can overlook the two annoying things. One, the notification light is very hard to see and two, the

My LeEco Le Pro 3 is really an awesome phone, regardless of the price. Two in my immediate family and one as a gift

AC and radio is pretty damn impressive. Not many frankencars have AC.

Hearing protection should be free at races. It’s child abuse to expose kids to that. I like racing but have a hearing protection/intercom system to talk to family at the track.

Nope, they share that weekend with the Indy 500 and the Coke 600.

Thank you Stef for being one of the rare press that does not suck on whatever Brian France offers. That man lives in the loudest echochamber known. I guess Martin winning at Dega was the last ever caution free race. It’s depressing to see the sport devolve into a circus.

You might be overestimating the blast area of strategic weapons. The larger Russian warheads, around .8 megatons, have a surface burst fireball radius of about 3/4 mile.

I’ve been watching over 30 years but I’ll be spending more time on Sunday getting out and living life.

IMSA was awesome before NASCAR bought them out and ruined it.

That’s the beauty of it! Going from four wide down to single file (To get through tight turns)is prime viewing stuff right there!

With the much reduced crowds they’ve had recently, you could squish everyone into the turn one area and do pretty well. Charlotte has quite a lot of seating down there.

He was doing his job, it’s called “Benchmarking”, observing the competition and checking out what they are doing against his companies products/displays.

As the owner of a LeEco phone, Sometimes it pays off handsomely to take a chance on a unproven company. Sometimes it does not. But I’m rocking a 5.5 inch phone with a Snapdragon 821 that cost me all of $250.

Cairo Illinois has got to be the weirdest place Iv’e ever driven through. It’s practically a ghost town because it emptied out in the 60's due to race riots. It was once a large bustling, wealthy city. Now it’s a scary post apocalyptic byword at the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers.

I could get a nice Phaeton for that money. Heck, a Phaeton can be found for HALF that. Crack pipe all day.

Points accumulated over a season. Like every other racing series before 2000

or not. Poor Brian can’t find anyone willing to pony up.

whomever was ahead when they crashed out would win. They were looking to have a “Game Seven” moment every year. They forgot that “Game Seven moments are not supposed to be the norm. Takes the fun out of the whole thing for me. Depressing.

Yes they do and it’s insanely stupid. A driver can win all the other races, every single one but come in second at Homestead and not be champion. It’s painfully dumb for people that like auto racing but very exciting for those that like spectacle.

take a chair. Do it for your baby