He’s a huge Mormon. IDK how that translates to Trump.
He’s a huge Mormon. IDK how that translates to Trump.
Really seems a shame to bar the winners of most of the races to race during the chase. Not that I give a flip about chases. Frankly, chases make me less interested.
Perhaps you are overestimationg the cost of Sunday tickets? Maybe your kids would be happy in cheaper seats?
That’s the thing. Computers don’t make mistakes. People do.
But Jax would have sold enough $75 jerseys with his name on them to pay his salary. Why the hell would they not bring him in? It defies sense.
Why not use a replica firearm? Why not use a practice barrel? There is no reason this should ever happen.
For fucks sake, go Moissanite. You can still spend a respectable sum, have a gorgeous ring with more fire than a diamond, and she won’t be walking around with a down payment on a house. If she demands a diamond, she’s just not worth it. You might as well find out sooner than later.
Bullshit. Four cops with guns drawn to ask a guy a few questions? They wouldn’t approach a random white guy that way.
Yeah from UNDERGROUND. You can’t take Florida.
it is free to amazon prime members
The Thunderbirds fly new jets. The Blue Angels fly old, crappy jets that are falling apart.
Last weekend was the finest F1 race in decades. Absolutely incredible race I will never forget. You're missing out.
Tony George wanted those American names there. He said that foreign drivers wouldn't grow the sport. Racist asshole of you ask me.
Dammit! Tyler brought me to jalopnik after he left his aviation blog. I be enjoyed the heck out of the site since, with a special notice to all the FA articles. This body of work will be re-read for a very long time.
The guy already beat Hendrick with Hendrick power and Chassis. Why not Beat Ferrari?
Yes, and wouldn’t it be different if all the BattleBots were exactly alike other than A.I.?
This would make a good Futurama episode
I found one for half that
Clearly it’s time to bring Tebow back!