William Rice

Those taillights are so ugly they shouldn’t be legal

Is there a good graphic of the test program and version number sof software? I’m slightly surprised that 2BS5.2 would come after 3iR6. Most software development counts up instead of down.

I’m pretty sure you’ve never seen a demo by several of those aircraft.

Now if only it had an America-tastic driver.

Over half of us can’t use itunes. thanks

Anyone know why this little curve is here? Vortice control?

I’m surprised that nobody has seemed to have brought up the environmental damage caused by this dredge and fill operation. Could not international support be gained in this manner? China literally destroyed square miles of coral reef to build these bases with no consequences.

I get a response that the code is not valid. Too bad, i would have liked to buy this.

I get a response that the code is not valid. Too bad, i would have liked to buy this.

Which kills are you referring to?

There are not enough F-22 airframe to waste thier limited hours flying group demonstrations.

Or, you know, about about using a standard interface so anyone with any smartphone can use the damn pump.

Because that asshole will ask you how much gas you want to buy. I want to fill up my truck, I don’t want to estimate by fuel capacity remaining and figure out how much i’m going to be buying. Then you get to go back and get receipts and later check if he put the remaining money back on your card. Or, he could just

Dang, I should have proposed the Deltawing!

Have we all given up on the Flag Code?

How about the Amphibious assault ships? They are the equivalent to a carrier in the rest of the world.

Was “Have at it Boys” rescinded for the Chase?

Ever been to a library?

His girlfriend was clearly endangered. She didn’t make any choices at all.

If you don’t have the space and tools, you shouldn’t be buying a racecar.

No Tyler, you don’t have to respond to idiots on the internet. You are doing great work. When fools drag you down to their level it makes you look foolish, not them.