Hahaha, i do exist Jason and i am one of Jalopnik’s biggest Kurdish fans. Hope everyone enjoyed the video.
Hahaha, i do exist Jason and i am one of Jalopnik’s biggest Kurdish fans. Hope everyone enjoyed the video.
You know what? I agree with you about manuals/driving but you’re being such petty jackass I’m going to go ahead and disagree with you.
Hot take: shifting is not driving.
only she can make that assessment, wætherman.
Shucks. I meant to add the explanation in parentheses. Done.
LCAC and ACAC are short for “liquid charge air cooler” and “air charge air cooler,” respectively.
Also, they’re beads.
Do you want me to wrap turpentine soaked rags around their ankles so the ants won’t climb up and bite their candy asses?
Here I was thinking it’s because two more seats had been farted in.
Or banana
Orrrr buy the Fiat and stop worrying about resale - since you intend to keep them and drive the piss outta them like you’re supposed to.
Like Jeremy Clarkson would say “It’s better because it’s worse.”
God dayummmmm this is good Kinja
IndyCar’s Will Power got sent to the back of the field for an unsafe release into the path of Tony Kanaan during…
Here’s the deal. I don’t even go to the concourse or deadspin. I was on io9 and saw the link to this article. So I agree with the other posts, this article should have been named something different or waited maybe a bit longer than 3-4 days. Some of us work full time and go to school AND have finals. Not all of us…
Listen. I like The Concourse. It does some great things with film culture commentary. This article is not one of those things. If you guys want to troll, go play LoL.
Addendum: Not caring about what other people think about you is not the same as not caring about other people. Drive to have fun and if people wanna be jelly, let ‘em. But understand that if someone is mad at the way you're driving, it's because you're driving like an asshole. Do unto others people.
Conversely: Not caring what other people think is a sure fire way to become an asshole.