
Fruit I Love

Heh my partner plays guitar (acoustic, but has a pick up, bought after selling his two electrics). But he is actually good - classically trained musician with perfect pitch and ear, it drives me nuts (he’s originally a pianist, and I’m a violinist). He was also in a moderately famous choir.

My dude, if the warbling and plucking on guitar strings had always (or even the majority of the time) been followed by amazing sex, or even good sex, the guitar wouldn’t be nearly such a red flag.

I honestly only like Granny Smiths for baking or for cutting into slices and slathering in caramel sauce.

Rainier cherries are the best.  I’ll buy a bag even if they’re not on sale because they’ll last awhile when I’m using them for my lunch.

I find oranges slightly tricky! But this is also not my personal vision; I forgot to add the credit to the original XKCD.

Truly, a superior fruit. Ugh I can’t wait for butt-shaped fruits to be in season again.

Blueberries have a very short window of goodness, and if you get them a day too early or a day too late, they’re trash. But a good blueberry is a joyful thing for me. 

Yes. I’d like to hold this up as Exhibit A when The Trial is held on ‘Why Are There No Good Men?’ That a man warbling and plucking on a guitar would be the Jezebel-equivalent of Getting Hit by a Bus is telling.

Fuck yes to Michigan cherries. My friend and I took a bike trip though Michigan a few years ago, and I swear we stopped at every single cherry stand we passed. By the end of the trip, I had to replace the handlebar tape on by bike because it was so stained with cherry juice. I regret nothing. 

Pears are one of those fruits that are widely hated because unless you live near a pear producing region and can get them properly ripened they are a waste of time and money.

That’s me and Satsumas. I go NUTS during the holidays. Vitamin C forever!

What’s the window on appropriate Banana ripeness about 4 hours?

These are my 4yr old’s favorite (read: only ones he’s willing to eat) grapes. He calls them dead fingers and there’s zombie action, it’s part of a whole thing.

If you are near Michigan, they have good cherries!  But otherwise, yeah.  Living in Boston/Ann Arbor was a real sad time for me.

lol. a good banana is great. but either an unripe or an overripe banana is terrrrrrible.

Yeah, but have y’all tried Long Grapes?

Rainier cherries would be the absolute top of my list if they weren’t roughly the same cost per ounce as fucking palladium where I live. I treat myself to a small bag of them *maybe* once every other year.

This list is missing blood oranges, rainier cherries, and strawberries.

Time of year is highly important. Cool, ripe watermelon on a hot summer day is the fucking tits.