
Everything ItMe said + it is prohibitively expensive for most people (though i believe they’ve taken steps to be more accessible since starting.)

It services “elite” professional women, offering them very nice spaces to work, host meetings, and network. It also has amazing programming—-Hillary Clinton has spoken at a Wing location, I believe, as have other illustrious women.

Can someone explain The Wing to me? Outside of gender exclusivity, what makes it different than any other coworking space? No sarcasm at all.

Except he’s now filing a defamation lawsuit. Oh, and she may be keeping up her end of the NDA, but he used the Crimes of Grindelwald press tour to trash talk her as just “seeking fame”.


It also separates the violence from the other parts of the cycle of abuse when every part, including and especially the sweet apologies and “I love you’s,” are what makes the whole so terrible.

Calling it “the monster” is an abusive tactic to keep up the pretense that it’s somebody else committing those heinous acts. It’s also a nice way to create further dissonance inside the victim’s mind. Whom are going to hold accountable?

The idea of this beautiful young woman - so much stronger than I thought when she was just another “hot actress” - having the shit kicked out of her by an old lizard like Depp and getting death threats after reporting it to save her own life makes me want to crawl into bed and give up on humanity. But then I find

What was the movie that recast her role?

Yes and yes.

This article drew out all the mysogynistic commenters on WaPo. I had to stop reading.


So, you can boycott Home Depot and write this asshole a letter telling him you can’t buy dope with food stamps, but your debit card works just fine. Then ask him what kind of drugs he’s on.

In a perfect world, Black America would not shop at Home Depot this weekend, Memorial Day Weekend, when the outdoor projects seasons cranks up level 11, to send a message to Mr. Co-Founder that we may be “allegedly” buying weed and blow, but we won’t be buying 2 by 4s or mulch from your stankin’ ass stores.

Gotta wonder how many HomeDepot employees require additional food stamp assistance in order to survive on the minimum wages this ass hat pays.

We should start an internet rumor that people are using school vouchers to buy crack.

Why would Fox bring on someone with so little knowledge of the way a system works? Why would a man comment on a subject that he clearly knows nothing about? Oh, because he’s rich? So that means he must know something! **cough bullshit**

I think we should abolish food stamps. Just give people cash instead, then it is their business how they spend it and not ours. Fucking busybodies who insist on trying to police how others live their lives, that just ain’t right.

So not surprised.