
Which, let’s remember, runs not only ICE, but also TSA, FEMA, and the Secret Service. *That* thought ought to drop a load of ice on your nuts/nipples/other erogenous zones.

Wait... that wasn’t a joke? JESUS H FUCKING CHRIST THAT WASN’T A JOKE?

Someone beat me to it, so I am editing this to let them claim the glory of the Clinton chia pet.

That’s probably how most of his supporters think his name is spelled anyway.

The Lacross team leaves something to be desired...

I read all the replies to this comment but it doesn’t seem like anyone told you that’s not the Soup Nazi, that’s Babu. So I’ll tell you.

Life hack: if your answer is “no,” then the meaning of the question becomes irrelevant

That first one is the most important. I knew a guy that forgot a round was on the chamber and accidentally shot one of his cats legs clean off.

There are other commenters questioning these rules. I hope they are not gun owners, and that they never ever hold one.

I went to go see a play recently that used prop guns and you could tell which actors had handled a real gun before based on whose fingers were kept religiously off the trigger, even when they were fake shooting in each other’s general (but not actual) direction. It was interesting that the rules can be so engrained

I’m not a gun person, but those seem pretty simple enough and I see no reason why they couldn’t be followed 100% of the time. In fact, if one truly appreciates the deadly nature of guns, they seem like common sense. Even more so if using a gun is part of your job. One needn’t be a robot to follow them.

Its tragic a woman died. But let me warn you: NEVER go to a “Citizens Police Academy” - its always ends poorly.


The air holes made me happy, so many people forget them and end up with a dead rock just laying there doing nothing...

Honest question. Why do you dislike the show so much? (I have a kid at home and always trying to know more about what's ok to watch and what's not)

Shut up, nerd! *dumps your books, shoves you in a locker*

That was before lunch, bro

This is the standard concern raised by women during assaults/rapes. The response from the self-defense trainers I know: they attacker is already angry and deranged. Do everything possible to fight back.

Well, he does own a steakhouse, so I assume they’re already not on the best of terms.