I guess you’re from Madison J/K I kid cos I love.
I guess you’re from Madison J/K I kid cos I love.
Abortion is an issue that cuts across the political spectrum: people that have no real interest or awareness in general politics get passionate when it comes around to abortion, pro and con. But let me ask you this. Why do criminals rob banks? Because that’s where the money is.
It was a beast.
I had a friend that wrapped a 72 Oldsmobile Toronado (a car he loved dearly) around a telephone pole doing this. It’s a miracle he and the three other dumb fucks with him, all my friends, weren’t hurt, and that they didn’t kill anyone else. Dumb fucks. They were teenagers, but still. I guess when you are already being…
I never heard of anybody drinking this stuff without first putting a packet of (non-sweetened) Kool-Aid in it. Thunder Chicken, we called it. The hangovers could topple Olympus.
Collect all the plungers in the game and load them in a Rock-It-Launcher. Teddy bears work just as well.
Because they sound freaking amazing.
I came here to post the same thing - I love my Rokit 8s, I think my neighbors hate them but eh, can’t win them all.
Answers are a) yes, more than you would think, and b) mostly, although probably not as many as I would like. Does the average American have any more direct agency over these things than, say, that really burly kangaroo that was all over the internet last week? c) fuck nope.
I guess the “protagonist” sets off a nuclear explosion and then continues to give some cheesy, post-vaporization narration. And then you try to get a refund from Steam.
The way I see it is this - Last gen ports are only likely if the game is going to launch real soon. I would be happy with another Gamebryo FO as long as I get some real choice and consequence, and some kind of sensible approach to level scaling, if scaling must be included - which, this being Bethesda, means my body…
Yeah, The Survivalist’s story gets me every time. It’s such a tiny story, literal scraps of narrative, but it has real legs.
I don’t know how controversial this statement is that I’m gonna make, but here goes: I predict no last gen on this one. If they decide to go ahead with last gen ports, ps3 players will suffer horribly.
I went through a period of playing F:NV with a camera mod that let me pull the camera way out, until the game presentation was close to Diablo or XCOM. It was great fun as a melee/unarmed character - firearms were impossible without VATS.
I like your flawed logic, mr. Flawed_Logic. I guess you probably realize your logic is flawed. At least what you say about New Vegas is flawed. Play it again, you did something wrong.
Also, I recognize that I really deserve a much more thorough savaging than you gave me. I can handle it, but I appreciate your civility all the same.