Ok. I’m really, really, very drunk right now (irony), so this may be kind of sloppy, but fuck it.
Ok. I’m really, really, very drunk right now (irony), so this may be kind of sloppy, but fuck it.
Haha, you dismissed me? I guess you really aren’t a troll, because if you were you would know that that means I won this little pants-off dance-off.
Alright. I’ll roll back what I’ve said. Couldn’t sleep last night, and I’ll admit I was feeling the vinegar this morning. I guess this was the part of your comment that set me off :
I just want you to know that I’m not engaging with you - not because it wouldn’t be fun, but because what you are trying to do right here is painfully transparent. Try harder next time.
Fuck you for making me post this picture of Russel Brand.
<sigh> I had no idea you were one of these idiots. I probably should pay closer attention to what I read. Excuse me while I shed a single tear for you.
No. No we should not. He hit the floor pretty damn hard though, I’ll give him two points for sticking the landing...
Ironically enough if I could star this comment a thousand more times right now I totally would.
Definitely, which is why an armchair strategist like me can sit here and find it interesting to play through the “what ifs”. I mean, I understand that it is more than a little naive of me to imagine that the Finns would have come to an agreement with the Soviets, given that the Soviet offer was “Give us this land and…
Far be it from me to try and sanitize Stalin’s image - The guy was clearly a monster, and not any kind of military genius, his genius was in utilizing personal terror against his underlings (removing purged officers from all state photos is a good example of this).
Yeah, like I said, you could argue it either way. 1939-40 turned out to be a spectacularly bad time for Russia to throw away a million trained soldiers because Uncle Joe wants to appear firm to his neighbors.
The default max usercount is 100, you might even be able to set it higher. You should try it man, the sound quality is better than my phone and it’s super easy to manage once you get it set up.
I’ve never tried, but I’m fairly sure that you actually can.
That is my most favoritest GIF. Ever. Fucking Lou Ferrigno, that fake bear never stood a chance. This one’s good too:
Those statistics are so bonkers. You shouldn’t have three times the number of dead as you do wounded. Shows you just how devastated the Soviet command and control infrastrcture was after Stalin’s big officer purges. Numbers like that are almost always indicative of spectacular failures at a high level that manifest…
I resisted it for years after I moved to Ohio. It was my own small, pre-internet version of the GIF pronunciation wars. “Pop is a verb!” I’d scream in people’s faces - drunk, usually. It was tiring. Plus, soda has a whole extra syllable, who has time for that?
All over the midwest, it’s pop. There are pockets of soda. Say soda in Ohio and people assume you mean club soda. They say this basically everywhere they don’t say “pop”.
I always think the same thing I thought the first time I saw it: Holy shit he is totally going to kill the shit out of Brad.
Damn, you just reminded me. Bought Invisible War like a year ago on GoG, still haven’t played it. Might rectify that soon.