Streaming media to other devices on the network is a big no-no - BF is a big bandwidth hog. That definitely causes rubber-banding and can lead to some disconnects. The biggest mistake people usually make is playing over a wireless connection tho. If he's not playing over a wired connection, he should start. But it's…
Man, this dude needs to smoke a blunt and chill the fuck out.
I had to just finally walk away from Battlefield after DICE finally admitted that their crap network code injects a healthy dose of pure randomness into every encounter. There is not enough yoga in the freaking world...
Man, if you let yourself get mad when playing Left 4 Dead, it's over. The only game I've played where getting angry is more detrimental to performance is Mirror's Edge - Both games are all about flow (To me, anyway - I'm a L4D2 noob - only 400 hours logged lol), so it kind of makes sense.
google "programmer art"
That was my first thought on seeing this.
this douchenozzle probably calls pizza 'Za' owns lots of visors, calls at least 3 of his friends "Broseph" and would love to take a 'sexy lady' to a Dave Matthews show.
Hey, it's the internet - we're all nobodies until it turns out we're somebody. You seem to be a pretty awesome commenter. But it is nice to be able to poop on trolls without giving them visibility, I can understand that :)
Why are you grey? Somebody with the power to should fix that.
If only one could rise through the ranks of a criminal organization through the use of stunning puns, we could all learn something from the criminal class.
Dat "floppy creme" doe.
Cool. Thank you. I've been feeling stupid about this for a while. Sweet, sweet vindication.
I dunno. I look at that picture, photoshop or no, and it just screams "I am the slobbering Shoggoth of fast food, taste me and TREMBLE".
There were many good jokes about this phrase on Roseanne.
Google is your friend in these cases - "Fixed That For You".
Oh, you are so, so lucky.
Green bean casserole is the devil's side dish. Blarg.