A Crisis of Ethics and Integrity

One has to wonder, can Russian attacks on our elections, including hacking and releasing DNC emails and the dissemination of fake propaganda, be considered an act of war?

Only if it co-stars Keith David and David Keith

So look at the match first. For an imaginary employee making $50K, the employee is contributing 6%, or $3,000, which the company immediately matches with $3,000, yielding $6,000 over the course of a year.

Go Speed Racer, Go!

Supersede. We were looking for supersede.

Well, one of the few options for moving into the upper middle class is a job where 11 out of 12 players are guaranteed to suffer brain damage from repeated concussions, right?


Wow. That would really suck if you still got paid 1913 wages.

You’ve got it all wrong. The President of the United States, Leader of the Free World, and Defender of the Constitution told me, personally, that there was no longer a nuclear threat from North Korea, and furthermore, that the true threat to the existence of the United States was the unmitigated, catastrophic flood of

Um, sorry, no. We were looking for “no.”

At the moment, the United States Government is full of corrupt people in positions of power who are actively damaging the public good they are entrusted to protect.

Seems bearly possible.

The catch is the app doesn’t show how much of your taxes go to pay for medicaid and food stamps for WalMart employees

Weak ties, indeed

Pretty sure that makes it thrice damned.

You have to focus your resources on the source of the real threat. The survival of the United States depends on identifying and stopping the real threat.

Why? The battery coil looked fine.

People like to ask if you would have killed baby Hitler if you could travel back in time and had the chance.

If you haven’t noticed the decline in public discourse over the past few years

The Conners are coming back? Let me get my coat.