A Crisis of Ethics and Integrity

At O’Hare it’s Stefani’s Tuscany Cafe for Red Rock Seafood Bisque and Anitpasto Salad.

No comparison.

Actual FCA Board Meeting Transcript:

We’re coming for nut butter tomorrow

Because if it’s legit, the woman’s body can do something about that fetus

Really? Because “grab ‘em by the pussy” didn’t keep him from winning the Republican primary and getting elected.

Nope. Previous comment explicitly stated consumers aren’t confused by almond milk.

This is about the U.S., not the rest of the countries in the world.

I know, you really creeped me out last time

If consumers aren’t confused, a name change shouldn’t have any impact on dairy industry profits.

You would think so, right?

A few years ago, the last flight of the night on Southwest from Houston Hobby to LAX routinely ran with 20-30 passengers. The only bad part about the flight was that empty airplanes can get pretty cold at altitude, and nobody wants to move closer to anybody else to try and find a warm spot.

Oops forgot about that time that the U.S. Intelligence Community came out and named China, Israel, and Mexico as having interfered in the U.S. election, and the President called them liars and said he believed the former KGB chief who leads those countries.

Number one on the list should have been: Don’t Fall In

One has to wonder, can Russian attacks on our elections, including hacking and releasing DNC emails and the dissemination of fake propaganda, be considered an act of war?

Only if it co-stars Keith David and David Keith

So look at the match first. For an imaginary employee making $50K, the employee is contributing 6%, or $3,000, which the company immediately matches with $3,000, yielding $6,000 over the course of a year.

Go Speed Racer, Go!

Supersede. We were looking for supersede.

Well, one of the few options for moving into the upper middle class is a job where 11 out of 12 players are guaranteed to suffer brain damage from repeated concussions, right?