
So why wasn’t Peyton Manning questioned?

Fair enough. I always just assumed he owned it. Learn something new every day.

You know, I never even considered that question until you said it. Thank you for that, because it really makes no sense to have the stick.

Exactly. Constitution is the most AMERICAN stat there is. Why do you hate America?

My favorite Paul LePage story was the time he said that if Mardens (the stores he owned to get his money) was open for business than the state of Maine was open for business. So during a really bad ice storm that knocked out power for a lot of the populated areas of the state people called Mardens non-stop asking if

Yes I always love that kind of thing.

It takes a special kind of masochist to go into the journalism field. Thankfully there are plenty of us out there.

Leave it to the Canadian to apologize.

As a journalist myself (sports writer for a decent sized paper in Florida) I couldn’t agree with you more. Every single time I get hatemail I relish it. We even have a board up on the wall where we post the best letters (sometimes hand written because of the old people who read us) because they are so good. Keep up

Your hygiene advice is spot on. Nothing turns off women more than bad breath and BO.

Technically Ice is super effective against flying as well. Don’t ask me why but it is.

LIES! I’ve been telling you to play it forever! I see you here lying to everyone.


Join us in hockey land! We could use the extra fans.

Why does this not have a “Things we actually like” tag on it? You dropped the ball there.

I just laughed really loudly at work for that image. Thank you for making my day.

And none of those are my favorites :(

I don’t know about anyone but myself, but I play the game to find certain pokemon, because you know we all have our favorites. When a favorite of mine pops up and I can’t find it because there is literally no way to track pokemon in the game it is a little annoying. When the developers know this is a problem, but

Except the devs have had a ton of time to explain what they are going to do and instead say, “fuck pokevision because they are doing our jobs better than we can.” Everyone should get a refund until the game works properly. Don’t release a game that is so broken you can’t do the ONE thing that is core to the game