
If I was giving advice, I’d suggest you be wary of saving sympathy for corporations in general.

The law says otherwise, you drooling simpleton.

Were you born this stupid, or did you have to work at it?

Shockingly, we have these things called “laws” which regulate what people can do, and—I know this is the kind of thing that may surprise you—sexual harassment is what’s known as “illegal.”

Hi. You must not live in America. We just elected Donald fucking Trump as president. Cheap, tacky, and overpriced is kinda our thing, sadly.

I don’t know why people rag on the sfx so much - it’s honestly not that bad. Sure, there were some weak shots, but overall I’d say 75% were fine. This had the equivalent of a $5M budget. I don’t think I’d see effects anywhere near that quality for that amount of money in a Hollywood production.
I was sceptical toward

No, he wasn’t. He wasn’t being a douche. He was attempting to show how totalitarian things are in Russia right now. Which is why he was discussing what the laws were and how long the sentencing was in his video. He proved his point. Or in this case the Russian government proved his point. Only someone who truly

More like they mistook this place for their monthly meeting at the ignorant tight ass club. People like the one who made the comment that started this, to take a page from history, are untermensch. People like them hold civilization and human evolution back by constant procreation with other dumb trailer trash... well

* for “groin fruits”, the worst German candy ever.

You are an ignorant twat.

Pretty sure you’ve stumbled into this site by mistake - this isn’t Stormfront or Hypocritical Baptist Cunts or whichever hate site you normally frequent.

Yes, think of the children! How will they ever recover from watching a trans woman putting on makeup, HOW OBSCENE

2017 says go fuck yourself.

Or maybe you can finally accept responsibility for your own damn kids and monitor their online activity. What a novel concept!

If you are that frightened of the world, and are looking to also instill that fear into your groin fruits, maybe don’t leave them sit in front of the internet unattended.

Thank goodness the world doesn’t cater to your every desire.

No. Not at all. Your browser history is stored locally, so only on your own computer. Your internet service provider (ISP) collects that info and stores it themselves. Clearing your browser history only affects your computer. Same thing with Incognito mode.

Yes, quite ironic that if the Green Party folks in MI, WI, and PA voted for Hillary instead of Jill Stein, that a) DAPL would still be on hold while environmentalists actually could have made their case to Clinton (a la Obama) to put a hold/stop to this and b) Keystone XL *definitely* would be dead.

“The Dakota Pipeline is filled with oil and ready for service” is also how Donald tells Melania he’s horny.

‘Failing media talks about pipeline spill but COMPLETELY IGNORES the time Hillary spilled a bottle of vegetable oil in 1997. Salad was ruined. Sad.’