
Much prefer a humble and modest Spidey than this one. He may as well be wearing a fedora.

Q*bert approves of these magnets.

I'm sure Iran is looking forward to completing a matching set when this one crashes.

Yep, I was thinking the same thing.

Oh... well that's different.

Seems like you could then get an Ethernet-to-Wireless bridge and go even further.

Yeah, that's pretty much all I could think of while watching this video.

Seeing as Disney owns both Pixar and Marvel, this will never happen. Might give Dreamworks some ideas, however.

Looks like only Nvidia 640M LE on those laptops. Sorry, want at least 650M.

I'm pretty sure they already sell those.

OK, good point about the M11X. I spaced on the Alienware. Was really thinking mainstream.

That cat looks a lot like my own pure-bred Maine Coon, Fezzik (he's a giant, hence the name). Mine isn't as big as this one, but the breeder he came from (yes, I know, but he was a gift, so please don't give me any grief over not adopting a shelter cat) had at least one that was about as big as this one.

If the 13" has a 650 in it, then that is pretty fricking awesome. Any laptops I've seen smaller than 15" are usually limited to Intel graphics.

I find it interesting that the article proclaims Nvidia 650 GPUs, and yet they have a photo showing Intel HD 4000.

Can't be taking any of the profits away from the top 0.1% to fix the world's problems, after all. I just hope it doesn't happen during my lifetime. I have no kids to worry about, fortunately.

I had a couple CT scans 30 years ago (once with and once without the dye). I guess I'm fairly safe if I've gone this long without getting cancer. Although there was that one TSA body scanner a month ago....

It's mostly in the way he draws and shades mouths, very squarish, and with the strangely even lines for shading, just looks really odd to me.

A BP movie sounds like a great idea, if they can pull it off.

Exactly what I was thinking.