
I've owned that bug vacuum for years! It works like a charm. Used it on a ginormous spider just the other day.

Looks more like a TIE Fighter, actually, particularly as the camera passed over it near the end of the video.

I am really worried about the direction of Pixar. The characters they produce (particularly the father in Brave) are looking more and more "Disney-esque".

Snopes says this image is faked, but still seems rather fitting.

I've donated over 7 gallons of blood (and related components thereof), and I always watch them insert the needle. If I don't watch it happen, then I worry that my unconscious reflexes could cause me to jerk away as the needle goes in when I'm not expecting it, causing the phlebotomist to miss the vein.

Wow, I saw it last night at a private screening, and thought it was really enjoyable. Perhaps I was still thinking about the HUGE disappointment that was MIB2 (erm... MIIB?). My only real disappointment with it was the lack of a clip after the credits.

"Still, men have to face up to the fact that cosseting jeans reduce airflow around the crotch, resulting in higher temperatures. And the knock on effect of warmer balls is, sadly, a lower sperm count."

♪ Anticip- ♫... oh, nevermind.


Small and cheap enough that I could see this being integrated directly in laptops, monitors, keyboards without too much trouble. Just need the developers, developers, developers!

Actually, he's just using his sonic screwdriver to switch it off, not affect its energy directly. Totally doable!

I'm pretty sure he would have used MacDraw instead of MacPaint.

"...slapping a retroactive 30% capital gains tax on former citizens like him..."

I always assumed the Voicemail icon was supposed to be a cassette tape (or even microcassette) as used in really old answering machines, not a big reel-to-reel player.

Definitely has a Batman Beyond feel to it, which is a good thing. I also really like the stylized caricatures of the the original actors.

I remember a similar list a while back which ranked X-2 as #1, barely edging out Batman Begins.

My uncle had a ton of LaserDisc movies. You even paid extra for CAV vs CLV discs (or was it the other way around?).

I enjoy Waze for reporting things like police traps, red light cameras, accidents, etc, but I have to say Google Maps Navigation Beta provides MUCH better search results and overall better routing (Waze often makes me take very odd turns), and I like how Google's nav tells you which side of the street your destination

That "dresser" looks more like a filing cabinet. Put two of them together, and it might look wide enough to call a dresser.