This is why I don't date women who smoke. Too many smokers are actually self-medicating for various mental issues.
Lucas just can't leave well enough alone.
First of all, there was no wire being tapped, so to say Glik was wiretapping is patently ridiculous. After all, when is the last time a copy arrested someone by phone, and a third party tapped the call?
I'm wondering if this was all a ploy to get rid of existing Win7 HP Slate hardware, and we will actually still get a true webOS tablet.
I can't believe I would hear myself saying this, but if I had one of these, I'd have to say my dongle is too big.
Except the toddler may actually learn something, unlike the Fox employee.
Ahh, but will it teach me how to draw?
I totally want this for a wall in my new house.
So, my old ChillWizzard and more recent Cooper Cooler are basically money wasted?
"Did you guys miss this line?"
I'm surprised no mention was made of CCR5, a mutation of which is said to exist in about 2% of the caucasian population which effectively makes them immune to HIV. Gene therapy has already successfully cured an HIV patient in a German experiment about a couple years ago, if memory serves.
Cole McGrath, surfer and inventor.
I actually create custom business logos for clients at my work, and I have always used settings around 10 or 11 to try go keep the quality high but image size below a 200KB threshold we have for our system.
Agreed. I was looking forward to the GSII on Sprint, particularly since my Pre is dying, and Sprint is still the only carrier with unlimited data.
This could be the next GEICO commercial.
Sadly, IBM put them all in a RAID-0 setup, causing all 120 petabytes to get wiped out when one drive failed.
I would be more impressed if you didn't have to take the baby seat off to switch modes.
In my best Charlie Brown impersonation: "Aaauuuughhh!!!"
"I'll take one for my wrist, please."