
OK, so, if we have blueprints, why haven't we built working ships? Get with the program!

I thought the shield was supposed to be made from a unique adamantium-vibranium alloy, not just vibranium, as they say in the video.

Agreed, how about objectively reviewing one upon its release before making such ignorant statements, eh Giz?

I seem to recall the book ending with Daenerys walking from a still-blazing pyre, her clothes and hair burned away, and the baby dragons on her shoulders.

Dammit, now what am I going to do this weekend? First Super 8 reportedly falls flat, now this. Nothing left between now and Harry Potter but to play more inFamous 2.

What I remember of the final episode of Blake's 7 was them being captured by the Federation and summarily executed on the spot (as implied by the laser sounds played during the credits).

You answered your own question:

What do you mean, "What would we do with a moon base?" We would, like... base things... you know... on the moon. Moon base!

Why is this showing me a video for Happy Hot Dog Man?

Wait a minute, that's a VW Beetle. Shouldn't it only have 6 legs?

The article doesn't say 80% of homes have set top boxes. It said 80% subscribe to some form of pay TV. It does say there are 160M set top boxes in use, however.

@artdude102: That has always been one of my all-time favorite SNL quotes. As far as their fake commercials go, it rates right up there with "It's a furniture polish AND a dessert topping!"

It comes down to this for me. The first tablet that can properly handle the... erm... "unique" webpage format of Gizmodo/Gawker sites, and play the myriad embedded video formats used (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.) within the browser, then I'm all over it.

And now, your Highness, we will discuss the location of your hidden Rebel base.