
I think part of the problem is that many sites do not support the use of non-alphanumeric characters in their passwords. That puts people into the habit of using just numbers and letters, so they don't have to deal with running into such restrictions in the first place.

How ironic that they flew planes using fat from a flightless bird. (OK, not completely flightless, but they can't sustain their flight like other birds.)

Sadly, just after this video aired, a number of "traditional" Chinese medicine practitioners captured the creature, ground its bones into powder, and drank it in tea in a futile attempt to treat their chronic erectile dysfunction.

Now playing

So, looks like the guys at the bar did give Hawkman a break?

Maybe they'll market it with a free epi-pen!

"We found him impaled on the device... it took an hour just to get the smile off his face."

$132M a piece? And it won't even blend or run Crysis?

Nice try, Nostradumbass.

The other way 3D is destroying 2D movies is when completely extraneous B.S. is put in.

The In'n'Out Burger photo is particularly good when you consider that the family who owns the entire chain is apparently so religious that they print bible chapter and verse references on the bottoms of their cups and wrappers.

Your phone is great... FOR ME TO POOP ON!

And because it just uses colored oil and water, it will be much cheaper for the consumer than platinum-based displays from the very beginning... right?

Figures, I don't drink coffee. Never could develop a taste for it. Would be nice if chai had the same benefits.