Liam Farrell

American muscle cars of the 60's and early 70s.

I’ll second this. As basic as electric transportation gets, not at all attractive and an interior only a psychotic could love. Yet it’s average owner thinks they are driving a Bugatti with Toyota quality and Jaguar looks.

Tesla Model 3. It has some weird halo effect despite being ugly and having a bargain basement interior... And that's before getting into the quality issues. It drives fine, it's fast, and electric... But since when does that get it a free pass when it also costs $50k?


They get enough hate here that no one on jalopnik thinks they’re over rated now.

The main problem is the other options aren’t much better. The Chevy/GMC and Ranger are like second hand citizens as far as company technology on them. Meh engines, meh infotainment, meh everything, and still a big price tag. The new Frontier has me enticed but I realized I only like it bc it’s competition is just so

Even worse than the new Tacoma, older Tacomas. At least for the price they’re asking right now. Are they pretty solid? sure. Were they better than anything else out there at the time? yeah. Are they worth $15k for one that’s 15 years old, starting to rust a little, and has 250k miles on it? No chance.

Now that there are options for midsize picks, I would agree; however, 10 years ago it was really your only decent option.

Any crew-cab 1500 pick up truck. Too much room inside for 5 but not enough for more. Beds that are too small to really be used for work. I know that these aren’t enthusiast cars but they’re not that useful. I inherited an F-150 for work. Lease on it ended and I sold it. Happy to now be driving a minivan.

The argument against Libertarianism in a nutshell. All you have to do is wait for a Black Friday sale or an Easter egg hunt to see that grown adults will reduce anything to fist fights. The last year and a half has shown us how selfish, stupid, petty and violent a large swath of our society is.

Does it really matter? He was braking. Yes, he was turning, but that is not the only reason someone would be braking - there could have been a child/animal etc in the road in front that the other driver couldn’t see. He was hit by a vehicle at double the limit, a vehicle that also failed accident avoidance 101 -

What you said is kinda blaming the victim here... even if the driver wasn’t signalling a turn the car slowing down with its brake lights on was more than enough to alert anybody behind to slow down so it’s 100% the truck driver’s fault.

Ive read that you can compost PLA supports to an extent. Also support amount depends on the part and slice orientation.

i dont think so. 3D Printing is quite wasteful due to the large amounts of support material used, but its great for small quick things. 

1. Bare metal is cool.

There goes the upselling profit margins.  Sales guys won’t be happy.

So it adds weight to the overall package and needs to be charged along with your car just so the car can tow it.

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Yeah, it’s not like Wheeler Dealers, where Edd China is a genuinely likeable, knowledgeable, professional, and Mike Brewer was just a trash used car salesman cliché.

Yeah I found this show insufferable. The show was 90% “Lets go find an old hoarder and offer him $50 for his most precocious crap”.    Its that reality TV genre of “Lets justify all the crap we have is actually worth something” which just enables people with mental issues to hoard crap.  

Ever notice that the cable “education” channels that were touted as a market-driven replacement for PBS like History, Discovery, TLC. etc. have all turned in to homes for crappy reality shows, conspiracy theories and pseudoscience? I guess that pays better than boring old facts and science.