Liam Farrell

“...You’ve heard about Critical Race Theory,” he said. “All it does is teach kids to identify in racial terms. Right? You are good or bad, depending on what you look like. At this point it is straight up anti-white racism. I don’t think we’re allowed to say that. But let’s call it what it is. It is toxic, and it does

She ran on being tough on crime but didn’t realize the only ‘tough on crime’ stance the police will respect is letting them murder as many people as possible.

So a Fallout 4 default setting has become a candidate?

Is that even a picture of a person? All I see are indistinguishable beige blobs. Fucker looks like boiled chicken.

Wait. Did this Chief of Police Dude... just try to say he wants to hold automakers accountable for the products they manufacture?

Maybe a rhetorical question, but there aren't cameras because cameras provide evidence, and evidence often gets in the way of people believing the story of the police without question. In this instance, cameras would probably show that the story the police chief told isn't quite true, and maybe the officer shot first

We all know exactly why there aren’t more cameras on cop cars, and it’s the exact same reason bodycams are conveniently off whenever cops shoot another unarmed black kid.

Cameras are cheap. Memory is cheap. WHY, exactly, aren’t police vehicles bristling with cameras?

He went on to say he’d “love to see auto manufacturers take some responsibility,” regarding the misuse of performance cars”

“Boston the drivers don’t even obey the laws of physics.”

Boston the drivers don’t even obey the laws of physics.

How is that stereotyping exactly? There’s no such thing as a calm, level-headed trump supporter. Especially if they display that on their vehicle

I'm not much for ambulance chasers, but I'd be cool with any of the victims in the crash finding their way to using all this info against Martinez in Civil Court.

You could get an identical result by just grabbing doors and body panels off other Golfs from this era and switching them out. IIRC that’s exactly what Volkswagen did - this wasn’t a special paint job, it was just several production golfs switched around to look different. Doing a wrap would be more work than the

Gov’t: “50% EV target...
Internet comments: “The grid can’t handle that! Set realistic goals!”
Gov’t: “...which includes hybrids”
Internet comments: “This is just so you can claim 50%!

Funny - you missed the point completely. 

The White House tried to invite Tesla, but the emails to their public relations team kept getting bounced back.

Good for Biden to leave Tesla uninvited.

Really, because the business plans of these companies show that not only do they want you to work full time, but they actually need it to happen for their numbers to work.  This is just them trying to end run around what they should be doing.

Because if you do, you should, rightly, suffer grievous injuries - or even death!  And few, if any, adjustments or improvements should be made to lower those chances.