Way to insult a regular hard working guy stuck in a traffic backup on the US side of the border, not in the protest on the canada side. Read more better, beef man.
Way to insult a regular hard working guy stuck in a traffic backup on the US side of the border, not in the protest on the canada side. Read more better, beef man.
Then you haven’t been paying attention.
I think this guy was just stuck, not actually joining the protest.
Centuries of treating white people different than POC.
Never Underestimate the Lug-Nut Rule.
Your argument that a five hundred million dollar yacht pumps lots of money into the local economy is literally the foundational idea of trickle-down economics. You’re kind of talking out of both sides of your mouth here.
The global superyacht industry isn’t suffering. It’s making money hand-over-fist. The pandemic has been the best thing to happen to the industry.
Rotterdam is one of the shipping capitals of the world. Build or not build this dumb boat and its still doing fine. Its like when Amazon tried to extort NYC for its HQ2 a few years ago and NYC said “fuck off” and then Amazon still landed many thousands of new employees there anyway.
A lot of poor people also suck. Being rich or poor does not determine if you are a shitty person or not. Shitty people are shitty regardless.
There’s always that “promise” of local workers making more money from mega-wealthy projects, but it would be interesting to see if that boat being built there was worth any more than building some other entity’s boats.
“People willing to beta test our lives is crazy” - fixed
That at least involves consent by the user. I never consented to walking or driving around this half-assed AI tech.
I’ve been around firearms most of my life. I learned to shoot when I was 10 and later spent 20 years in the Navy, where I was an expert shot with both pistols and rifles. That said, I have never, ever felt the need to carry a weapon on me while going about my daily life.
Yet another “Well Regulated Militia” protecting the amber waves of grain from tyranny. Thanks, NRA.
For fuxsake, “Pay it forward” at place where moderately affluent people order overpriced coffee from the comfort of their large SUV sounds comically pretentious and tone deaf, even during a time where virtue signalling for sport is common place.
... and if you’re in a line of 36 pay-it-forwards, nobody except the last guy is getting anything for free. You’re just paying for a different order than your own. That’s not charity. But then I don’t understand the whole Starbucks culture. Sure, I’ll drink their mocha once in awhile, but no over-roasted, overpriced an…
THANK YOU. Forced generosity or charity is neither. Also, sorry, not sorry, I don’t want to be the guy who has the cheap and easy order having to pay for the family of 6 behind me - I don’t have to justify my reasons, but sometimes people just can’t afford it.
The pay it forward thing has always been the dumbest thing imaginable. It’s performative charity for people who don’t need it. Want to feel good? Donate time or money to an actual cause. Or, as this article wisely suggests, tip the workers.
I don’t doubt that there are several scams in the list.