
Why the fuck didn’t the police leave after they established the fact she’s a guest?  She had her key in her hand, end of fucking story.

Sue their asses off. How degrading to have this happen, and to try to keep a strong face in front of your kids when it must feel like it’s you against a very unjust world. Sue. Their. Asses. Off.


They can’t help it. They could attempt to wait until the movement blows over, and then continue to be racist to their little heart’s content while in office. But they can’t even do that.

He doesn’t really need to try to get executed; he’s a Black man who killed white people, the death penalty is practically a foregone conclusion.

Hey now, my avatar is intentional snark on the American condition. I’m also unsurprised by this Booty Judge fuckery.

Todd’s definitely been on a roll this week. Like quoting a Bullwark article comparing Berners to actual Nazis.

Yeah, Russert was not nearly the cutthroat that people now seem to think he was. I remember him softpedaling the shit out of any number of politicians back then, even though every once in a while he would actually push back at someone. He just shines by comparison to his successor.

The sad truth is that a lot of white people on the right and the left blame Barack Obama for Trump. The idea of white people being responsible for their own actions is unfathomable to a lot of them.

I think you mean “Grimey”, don’t you?


Tim Russert, an actual journalist,”

After nearly three decades covering politics, Todd admitted to Rolling Stone that he was “absurdly naive” in his belief that the Trump administration wouldn’t use misinformation and propaganda. 

In trying to figure out a comment about Chuck Todd, I found that thinking about Chuck Todd was making me stupider by the second.

Your Magnum Opus. The Simpsons had an episode entitled Homer’s Enemy in which a man named Frank Grimes looks at Homer skating through life, doing less than the bare minimum at work and as a parent and somehow being rewarded for this. Grimes has the perfect response to Homer’s good life “If you were in any other

I would have become an instant Mayo Pete convert if he had replied to Todd’s banal question with: “Not be black?”

That’s amazing. I love seeing shitheels like that embarrassed and defeated. 

So that excuses america’s evil, because “N’uh, Germans killed jews! We’re not so bad”.. specious reasoning. I never once said racism and bigotry were eliminated in Europe - of course not, they are alive and well today — but SLAVERY AND SEGREGATION were removed as a form of legal and acceptable norms 60 years before