
Accuser seems to be recanting at length.

Way to be racist using colonial stereotypes. For shame. I’m a brahmin too, most of us in a modern world don’t follow the caste system.

Does Saira Rao hold to the cast system?
I mean I get from what you are saying that they are both privileged. But that doesn’t mean their take has no meaning. Plenty of white people write similar books. And being privileged yourself doesn’t mean you can’t experience racism or understand the intersection of it and

It sounds like you’ve refused to even try to learn anything about racism. That sort of arrogance means inevitably acting in disrespectful ways towards people who aren’t white men. Sad that you’re so closed-minded you can’t be bothered to learn any6thing new!

Baby steps. You see what a fit they’re catching with a mere 223 pages. Imagine if it were longer?

How is that ironic? Rao is from Richmond, Virginia, dickhead.

Yeah, as a Canadian(white male though, not female), it sometimes seems to me like a lot of my fellow white Canadians don’t think we have racism in Canada.

I feel like you skipped the most obvious possibility: it was programmed by white men who almost exclusively only know of non-white women and girls through the lens of pornography and objectification.

So can I say that same shit anywhere I see someone white? For real since we are doing this and they are indicating that our mere presence makes them quake with fear we need to do the same. I mean when I see a bunch of Karen’s walking out of a Whole Foods all hopped up on Kale Salad’s and Iced Tea I feel threatened.

If you go to a KKK meeting, don’t complain about the racist members there.

I believe it’s more like Dr. David Banner should say, “Don’t make me feel threatened. You wouldn’t like me when I’m threatened.”

Yeah, that’s the first red flag and it’s intentional.

Oh, yeah. That’s how you know it’s Snob City in the South. Those fucking things are EVERYWHERE. I remember thinking, “You know, there’s probably some nice folks living there, but I couldn’t EVER live someplace called ‘Plantation’.”

Wakefield Plantation”

Whenever you think you “Made it”, white folks will always let you know that you ain’t nothin but a Nigg#r to them. 

I watched that shit and was PRAYING that he got his ass whupped on camera but alas, that did not happen. I am so tired of these racists using these tactics to justify their racist ways.

Yep that would make these people as uncomfortable in their homes as they were trying to make this mixed race family.

It’d be nice if the armed militia that marched at Stone Mountain the other day could make a road trip up I-95 to this place.

the rest of us live in an upscale neighborhood and have spent the extra money to stay out of mixed neighborhoods...

Oh wow I know Wakefield Plantation very well.