
And on top of all of her other talents, she is the best pearl-clutcher evah.

Thank you Marsai’s parents for keeping a 15 year old young lady in age appropriate looks. Her initial moves to produce her own vehicles will ensure that she will be a much-needed child star to adulthood success story. Keep up the great work little sis.

The number of stops of young black men exceeded the entire city population of young black men (168,126 as compared to 158,406).

Are all Black people young men between 14 and 24? No? Then shut the fuck up and learn some basic fucking math.

Michael Bloomberg is a racist, paternalistic asshole. He’s always been this way. He thinks we’re so stupid that we can’t make good choices for ourselves and he needs to make them for us. That’s why he thinks he can get away with telling such blatant lies and expect us to swallow it.

Bloomer and the NYPD can geeeet fucked.

I call B.S. on any billionaire that says they actually care about people...

I got stopped by the same cop once or twice a week for months outside Hunter College back in 2000. Same shit everytime. “What’s in the bag?” Books you dumb pig. “Anything in your pockets I should know about. “Yeah, I’m walking around with a pocket of full of heroin needles. Same fucking shit everytime. Pretending like

Unfortunately a lot of people from that part of the country just don’t have a chance. They’re taught bullshit like that in school from the time they’re small.

The slave owners only wanted help us get jobs.

Help us what? Get killed? Arrested? Late for appointments? Really what was he trying to help us with? For real I was dressed in a suit and tie with an overcoat on and was stopped for no reason walking into my place of employment. Fuck anyone trying to make this right.

I mean that’s been white people’s standard line since 1492. Some of them even believe it. 

The Ku Klux Klan: 160 years of community service.

You beat me to the punch. I was going to freestyle rap about this but your lyrics are waaaay better. Great job.


Oh, hey: I Googled some first aid:

I just want to go caroling.

This deserves a standing ovation

(To the tune of White Christmas)

I mean this column and video may lead to therapy for some of the interlopers now infiltrating this place. Please send this to Jezebel. Want to see how many cups of tears this produces.