
Once again, a black woman to the rescue. 

So you wait 25 years AFTER your pension and benefits are set in stone to sue?! So the previous 9,125 days were perfectly fine and peachy? You knew that whole department was filth the moment u stepped foot inside...and waited until it was in your best interest to say something. She can take several seats as well

(tl;dr warning)

I just can’t understand anyone who says the police ‘deserve’ our respect, when this is the usual for police departments and their personnel. You don’t ‘deserve’ respect because you took a job and wear a uniform. You deserve respect because you earn it. And few do anything to ever earn that respect. Most are a bunch of

It’s not just that, though. It’s also an incredibly cynical, Orwellian attempt to control public narratives, and convince people they’re not seeing what they’re seeing or hearing what they’re hearing. And they’re all doing it - the #WhiteHouseOccupant, Yertle McConnell (his varieties are extra special), Kevin

This whole “I know a black person” shit it fucking nuts.

For as awful of a human being as he is, I have to admit that he’s really good at throwing up a distraction when he’s in trouble. Make no mistake: he is a full on racist piece of shit - but this is very clearly a distraction tactic between his unraveling Epstein connection and the upcoming Mueller testimony. He knows

This is an unfair characterization, Shirley Temple went on to become Black later in life. 

“Master Race ” genes at their finest....

The woman is a professional liar. She’s at least 50.

Evil eats its way from the inside out.

What’s the chances she lied about her age also?

Niecy Nash consistently makes me smile no matter what she is doing. I love her.

“Regular Frisbee or ultimate Frisbee?”

Beat me to it. I love how not only is it real but also the NYT is promoting it!

“Yeah, I know. Black people have boats too now.”

Folks, if you’re going to be calling 911 on people of color for absolute malarkey, please remember to look your best. We live in a time where everyone has a high definition camera in their pocket.