
Oh that person loves traversing GMG to type out her anti-blackness for all to see.

It’s not really “obsession” when they’re reporting on White women who keep doing racist shit, like reporting Black people for standing still on a sidewalk or having a BBQ.

lol nope. At first I was disappointed because Mitch McConnell is the worst without a doubt. But this had me in stitches:

I’m surprised the Jezebeckies haven’t been over to explain their victory to you yet!

Eh, I still feel like even the most useless white feminist might accidentally do something that benefits intersectional feminists whereas Mitch at co. are intentional in all the ways they fuck us.

So anyone with access to The Root can vote on these, right? How about next year, you just have those who aren’t grey’d out Root members vote, only?

Aren’t these the names that super racist governor of Maine kept claiming black people were using while impregnating pure-as-the-driven-snow white girls in his state?

Bruh, dem dudes got enough on their plate trying to impregnate very white girl in Maine.

In the way she nicknames a black man—a full-grown, sentient human being—“Swag” rather than addressing him by his name because it so happens to be her father’s. (What, were “Dope” and “Wavy” already used?)

Ah yes. “Come at me bro.” The standard Fighting Call of the White-Bellied Chad.  Often accompanied by the slamming down of the Bud Light onto the bar and the chesting-up to said “bro.”

My seven-year-old dropped a “wow” on my mother after she was told, via phone call, that her “Nana” wasn’t coming to see her yesterday.

I will curse every goddamn day if I feel like doing so and I don’t give a fuck if someone clutches their pearls over it. In fact if my swearing is of more concern than the fact that some chickenshit pig is getting off with nothing more than a paid vacation then that person is the problem.

aka Enh? or the more bougie version: excuse?

I have definitely dropped a “WOW” on people who said something entirely out of line. It tends to help.

I’m surprised “WOOOOOOOW” was left on the cutting room floor.

“Keep that same energy.” I am using that on my increasingly smart mouthed child from this day forward, because I’m tired of saying, “I’m not one of your little friends.” Which should be #1 on your list of “things your mama says before she beats your ass.”

Oh and on the West Indian side- Is so you say?

12a. “i tell you what...”

12. “You know what?”
13. “This n*gga.”
14. “Hold up.”
15. “It’s like that?”