
I find your point really interesting because, historically, Black people are also a population that had less access to ALL birth control options. But I guess to bring that up would take away from your point, huh? Welp....

When there is so much literal bullshit you can pin on conservative legislators, I find hypothetical* accusations to be rhetorically weak and ultimately harmful to your argument. You know all those folks are rocking massive indignation boners right now (one of a conservative legislators very favorite kinds of boners).

Who is this "majority of urban black leadership" that is watching abortions? Who exactly are you talking about? And how do you "stop" one race of people from having abortions? Why is it anyone's business who has abortions, or why? Do you know what an epidemic is? Legal, safe medical procedures can not be

Le sigh.


I was going to say the same thing. One more strike against us, when most of the world already thinks homeschoolers are isolationist, conservative freaks. I'm an agnostic liberal and my kids are homeschooled. I hope people will be able to use their critical thinking skills to realize not all of us are like this guy

That kind of generalization is exactly what kind of dog whistle YDKM found problematic. Burt's clarification made clear that even in mentioning Gothard's homeschooling adovocacy the purpose was to reference the ideology for which he is known, not to make any slams on homeschooling families.

As an atheist homeschool mom I really don't understand why this needed to be thrown in



I agree with you 100%. Couldn't even get through an episode of Girls without wanting to pull my hair out, which would be hard because I'm bald. But Lena is adorable, and very attractive.

I'm happy to see someone write something positive about her. The hate for her is so confusing to me... I think she's crazy talented and I adore her fearlessness.

I feel the same exact way! I don't really like Girls that much, but I completely dig Lena!

This hurts, people. We believed the Gordon-Moore marriage, it was brilliant, it was all we ever wanted from love and relationships. Finding out that they were unhappy like anybody else - that he was cheating like anybody else - was very painful. Celebrity marriages haven't looked the same since they split up.

You guys all see it, right?

You should probably offer $10,000.

I'd love to see these pre-Photoshop.

Came back years ago. Like, sometime before Obama's first term.

You are stealing, and you are fully aware that it is wrong. Don't blame the artist or the record company. If you didn't want to steal, you wouldn't. Your logic makes no sense. What's to stop you from pocketing small items when you go to the grocery store? It's okay, right, because if they didn't want you to steal the

Gary Busey and Courtney Stodden hung out. I would love to know what they talked about.

The oldshaming here at Jezebel never seems to get old.

We don't like fatshaming, slutshaming - but old shaming is not only acceptable, it occurs on a regular basis.