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    That's so weird to me, Martin has always struck me as an uber-sensitive romantic. The idea that he may be a serial cheater is too bizarre.

    Oh so many stories, can I share two?

    If this is a ploy to sell more issues... I'm sold. When is this shit coming out???

    Well that's certainly one way to simplify the issue.

    So I guess I missed something; what is "rapey" about Blurred Lines?

    Slightly off topic but: why do people have to be idiots for not seeing some dumb movie you like? Having a bad day or something?

    I don't get it. No matter how you feel about Ayn Rand, this quote is pretty harmless. Why did they pull it?

    Someone posted this in response to a story on Gawker today, but it certainly fits here as well.

    Oh I LOVE The Worst Witch! And I've also only just realized that Fairuza Balk has played a witch twice, which by itself makes her the most badass witch, even if actress Fairuza Balk is not actually a witch. (Plus, Fairuza Balk is such an awesome, witch-y sounding name.)

    Somebody, anybody, please show me what Satan's butt looks like, I am so curious.

    I am totally getting baked and watching The Craft later.

    Lindy, why do they keep giving you the weird eating assignments?

    Corey Haim. Still kind of obsessed, actually, even post-mortem. (And this pic still gives me inappropriate dreams.)

    Oh, but Cybil Shepherd makes it all worthwhile to me. I love her brand of comically evil - she was the best as Martha Stewart. Somebody really needs to put her in a movie that fully takes advantage of her ability to be awesomely campy.

    He was always socially liberal on things like gay marriage and abortion, but there were a lot of issues on which he was conservative and always considered himself a "conservative libertarian", I believe he called it. I actually used to be a big fan of his back in his Dennis Miller Live days, before he became a Fox

    Lol, I've always been into freaking myself out in movies - the freakier the better (also: the campier the better). But I can't handle real-life scares: for instance, were I actually in a machine that simulates tumbling uncontrollably through space the way Sandra Bullock does in the trailer, I would probably cry like

    “He can’t be really mean because we’re kids”

    Alas, Dennis Miller was never a Democrat.

    So I guess he's based his political opinions on his financial situation and nothing else?

    I absolutely feel the same way, which is I will be first in line to see this in Imax 3D, the best way to freak myself the fuck out.