
Littlefinger's going to find he's out of his depth. I guess he's used to running with a dangerous crowd.

Except that the prophecy said she'd have and bury 3 kids

He'll take off his face and turn out to be Arya!

Bran knows. I just don't think he cares.

How sweet would it have been if that's how the Framework were rendered? Haha

What if Project Looking Glass ultimately gets used to bring back Good Ward???

I wonder if Fitz makes it back home at all.

SHIELD isn't run by LMDs though — they all got blown up. So as usual, it seems when it's all done, they'll be rebuilding from scratch yet again.

Mace vs. Daisy fight was incredible!

She was phenomenal this episode.

Haha, yeah, the Darkhold does look stupid.

We don't know that yet. I'm guessing we'll find out that the parasite left a lasting impact.

It's gotta be. The dog named "King" pretty much eliminates all the uncertainty for me!

Actually, I wonder if the Eye killed him and that's how he avoided getting killed by David.

Dan Stevens truly seems like two different people when he's depicting insecure David versus cocky Shadow King David. It's remarkably effective.

Agreed. Jessica Jones went to some deep psychological territory. It had some of the most poignant depictions of trauma I've seen on a mainstream show.

Dude, that's gotta be it

I had never heard that Radiohead track before, and I was blown away. That was deeply unsettling and perfectly scored. Wow.

What's the deal with Kissinger? Is he shattered or evil?

Hmm, I can't see that. Longshot is too roguish and happy-go-lucky in the comics.