Should have been Behemoth for that authentic Polish feel.
Should have been Behemoth for that authentic Polish feel.
It’ll die when it runs into a group of super mutants forcing you to go back to the save your OCD made you make 5 seconds prior.
Nah, it became controversial because the developers went out of their way to push every button that older anti-game fuddy duddies have because they knew that word of mouth makes or breaks indy games. The media didn’t make it controversial. They themselves made it controversial so that the media would talk about…
Marketing wins over good development yet again. Idiots buy shitty game because it’s “controversial”. Modern games in a nutshell.
Obviously people will buy MGSV. It’s probably the most hyped end of the year game right now. The amount of people who follow gaming news enough to care is much smaller than the dude-bros and dads who casually buy AAA games every November.
Umm.. I seriously doubt that will happen. I mean, they’ll announce MGSVI for sure. But with Kojima involved? Someone better go after the Yakuza if that happens.
Don’t buy MGSV. Wait until you can find it used and buy it then. Kojima has already been paid. Screw Konami and hit them in their pocketbook. It makes no sense to say “I’m boycotting this company except for this one game I really want.”
Boring looking low budget game. The developers are laughing their way to the bank because idiots will buy it because it’s controversial.
I love how much the title screen is like Contra. Also, I’m used to the arcade and SNES versions of Gradius. I feel like this one is a lot slower than what I remember. Great game though. Not many shooters are Gradius grade.
I don’t see why we are so attached to IP. IP isn’t as important as the talent behind it. Castlevania continues to exist as Bloodstained and Kojima will most likely continue to make awesome games somewhere else. It just won’t be called Metal Gear. If anything, Metal Gear has been holding him back.
People who are upset with Konami need to put their money where their mouth is and cancel their preorders for MGS:V. Wait a couple days and buy it used. Konami won’t magically start caring about consoles because MGS:V did well and even if they did Kojima and the rest of their top-tier talent are no longer on board so…
No, it’s after she’s been turned into a 1000 year old demon.
Sonic’s mom’s vagina must be in shambles with all the twins Sonic has.
The game looks like shit and its designers are neo-nazis. It hardly deserves coverage.
I’ve been a Linux user since 2000. I use Windows when I have to and because it’s impossible to buy a non-Mac computer without it. Every iteration of Windows has been more dreadful than the last. I think it’s great that they’re finally adding virtual desktops but I really don’t like the direction they’re going in…
Microsoft would have to pay me to get me to install Windows 10.