

And now one of them has 11, which makes him the best.

6.5 still fav

The minimal friction of a steel wheel on a steel rail is remarkable. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad claimed that three men could push their most modern , all roller bearing steam power , the EM1, on level track. An EM1 with a full load of fuel and water weighs in at 500 tons.

I will never, ever, ever, ever purchase a house involved in an HOA. Never, ever, ever.

I don’t disagree, but I bought a house in a neighborhood that everyone said was unobtrusive. Unbenounced to me, and everyone else in the neighborhood, the HOA had just finished drawing up new guidelines and hiring a company to enforce them. A few months after we bought the place, they started sending out letters based

Agreed. It’s not only the fact that his car was abused this way without his permission, but that when the owner provided clear evidence of wrongdoing, they blew smoke up his ass about “I don’t need to see more” (like they accept responsibility), but then ghosted the owner about any sort of action to remedy the

So...... the computer can’t read a dipstick; but it’d totally be able to drive itself, in only 2 years.

Interesting to imagine a alternative evolutionary history of the automobile, where they developed with hand operated clutches and foot operated shifters.

I can’t watch that gif without hearing “Hut! Hut! Hut! Hut! Hut!” in my head.

Agreed.  That red caddy is hideous

Nah, Jalopnik made fun of Lincoln constantly before their recen design turn. They went after them just as much as Caddy. You’re just in the minority on this. 

Calm down Francis.

The “:1" is assumed when speaking about axle “ratios”.... but I like the cut of your pedantry all the same.

“Now drive to Bank of America and get me $200,000 in cashier checks.”

But it doesn’t come with mirrors.

Such a shame. He should have created another opioid derivative and sold it through doctors. That's a okay.

Fuck civil asset forfeiture.

Ahh, the car builder’s version of a cat lady.