No better Dodger to destroy the Cardinals, but even the worst Dodger option for destroying the Cardinals (Utley? Dozier?) is pretty great in that context.
No better Dodger to destroy the Cardinals, but even the worst Dodger option for destroying the Cardinals (Utley? Dozier?) is pretty great in that context.
There should be a corollary to or alternate version of Poe’s Law about not being able to tell the difference between the natively bad grammar of an under-educated low-IQ idiot ranting online and a poorly-translated piece of foreign astroturf propaganda...
No no no, you gotta give Trump voters some credit here. They really are this stupid.
I know it shouldn’t surprise me, and I know it’s easy to say “Man these guys are dumb” but seriously, the inability to spell and form simple sentences is truly remarkable.
We didnt say anything when that lying lazy idiot before him was in office.
It’s true, Albert, you really are the price of shot.
Where the fuck did “Great Moments in Poop History” go?!?! Are you trying to distance yourself from poo stories? Fun Bag has been lacking poop in the Email of the Week section as well.
I wouldn’t be so sure of that.
Google isn’t turning anything up (apparently Mr. Thompson dropped off the face of the earth after he was summarily rejected by the Senate), but for all I know he’s in jail by now! Lol!
I wouldn’t be so sure. Hard to remember now, but a guy by the name of Clarence Thompson (I think?) had his nomination derailed in the 90’s thanks to credible allegations of sexual misconduct, IIRC in no small part because Joe Biden just kept hammering him on the issue and demanded that his fellow Senators take the…
“This may be the year when we finally come face to face with ourselves; finally just lay back and say it—that we are really just a nation of 220 million used car salesmen with all the money we need to buy guns, and no qualms at all about killing anybody else in the world who tries to make us uncomfortable.
OK stop spouting this ridiculous liberal bullshit. I mean honestly, how fucking dumb are you?
I’ll give you $100 if he’s ever even heard of Anne Frank
Not going to happen. This is not a man who know anything at all about books that aren’t about him.
now it is about loyalty to a fucking moron
If you consider screwing over anyone and everyone to benefit already-rich white guys an "ideal", sure.
Ok, all I need is for him to say that The Diary of Anne Frank is a work of fiction and I’ll win Dipshit Bingo.
On the bright side, it could be they spotted a planet killer asteroid on a collision course with the planet.
Meanwhile, Brian Colangelo is interested in collaborating on a new shirt where the collar pokes all the way out to the shoulders. If interested drop him a line.
You can see the exact moment he knew he fucked something up as he jogs back toward his sideline.