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It's just such a terrible waste of money. I mean, if I was rich, would I be spending money on things that could be better used elsewhere? Sure. But how much this costs is sickening. It's like pissing money down the drain for a brief luxury. For the cost of this you could take the same money and use it to get much

That's even more disgusting.

This disgusts me in many ways.

I think they're crazy. I hate that weird gargley sound.

The 09 doesn't drive like the new ones.

A CVT won't make an engine more groany. This thing groaned under normal every day driving/acceleration.

I know you were, I was just adding more of my feelings about the engine.

Yes, except the Wrangler isn't exactly cheap, for some strange reason.

The 4 wasn't slow, just groany. It really gave an air of unrefined cheapness to the car that I did not expect. The rest of the car was pretty nice for a rental.

I rented one of these last year. I was surprised at how sporty it handled. It's no sports car but it was eager to change direction without much lean. I was pretty impressed, considering what the car is. The 4 cylinder engine was unusually groany, though. So much so that it was somewhat intrusive, especially

32 grand is just too much for a Miata. It seems like they're making you pay for the fun factor, not the physical product you're getting. I understand the Miata is a low volume car and all, but 32 grand is still crazy expensive when you can have new faster, more practical and comfortable (while still being very fun)

I'm going to state the obvious and remind you that this is an automotive/vehicle based website. Try and stick to things directly related to that. Nobody comes to Jalopnik to look for videogames and kitchen appliances. I understand there aren't always great deals pertaining to cars and other vehicles, but instead of

Congrats on the ride along! Your articles are very insightful and always interesting, you deserved it!

Fire Department.

I feel the same way about the police Tahoes I see.

I too don't care very much about it. Part of it is the exceedingly stupid name, and the other part is I think it's ugly and looks like just another Ferrari. On top of how Ferrari fakes, lies about, and boosts performance for test reviews, I don't hold them or their cars in very high regard. I'm sure they're very goo

The price of freedom, my friend.

If given the choice between a P1 and -any- F1, I will take the F1 every time.

Cadillac Sixteen.