
I’m getting laptized in June

Protip for people who give controller-throwers shit: Get off your fucking high horse.

I’m a serial controller-breaker. I’ve had to replace three controllers in the past year (a lot for me, but I played more Fifa than usual...)

I’m married. I have a steady, good-paying job. I have two college degrees. I almost never drin

Check out the Elecom. It has a few buttons and also an extra button that switches between dpis when you press it, as well as a switch that changes the the two DPIs that the button toggles between for a total of 4 different DPI settings.

People who brake on the highway.

Can we pull back a bit and ask why if a female character has some sexuality to her, all her values are suddenly reduced or (to some people) invalidated?

For the record, they’re completely related. At the end of Gat Out of Hell, players could pick one of four “deals” with the devil. The most popular one was essentially to undo all the harm the Saints caused by undoing the Saints. As a result, Aisha is an AI in this, and the Fleur de Lis is associated with heroes rather


Never forget

HOLY SHIT, those are both perfect. I feel like Recall Rally might have to win, though. That’s way too good.


I’m an Orochi main. lol

Just watch it in order. Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 are all complete and on crunchyroll.

I’ll still argue that a drunk person can give consent. But at any point where a person loses consciousness, consent is instantly revoked. I don’t care if they are sober and fell asleep, Narcoleptic or so drunk they pass out, once unconscious, consent stops.

There’s a big ass gray area between sober and too drunk to

If we didn’t dismantle the Republican Guard and we’d installed a puppet of a strongman, we could have.

Still waiting on Rage Wars.

Educate yourself

This very group of websites, formerly known as Gawker before a mighty Hogan leg drop felled them, has made tasteless Hitler “jokes” in the past. Seems very hypocritical to me...

Male here, full disclosure, isn’t that the entire point? That if they STILL WANT to show off their bodies (just quoting you, those caps aren’t meant to be aggressive) then they should be able to do so free of any consequences, disapproving statements (such as yours), or the expectation that that is what they should

Keep doing the Lord’s work.