
you do know there’s like, more than exactly one single consciousness within the group called “gamers” right?

My X is more important than your Y” is the whole basis of outrage culture.

If I were North Freeway Hyundai I’d be suing this guy for defamation of character.

yeah isn’t the trick to fighting facists ideologically to continue to implement a rule of law that is fair and equal to all human beings?

So what? The same 5 players always win and there’s collusion at the highest levels?

Old person?

short-ram intake. My car heats up much faster in the frigid winters and the whooshing noise from my turbo charging never gets old.

I’ll have you know my smartphone cover is bedazzled, not glittered.


get a Porsche 930T and have a tuning shop spend the rest making it even more insane so that when you ultimately wrap it around a tree, your wife can start your eulogy with “I told you so”

Torch for the win!

all I could think at hour 11 was:

This absolutely is censorship, it’s just not government censorship and is therefore not a violation of the first amendment of the constitution or any similar defined rights to free speech in other nations.

you jest, but if I had a dollar for every pint glass I had that didn’t actually hold a pint I’d... be able to afford this four pack.

you jest, but if I had a dollar for every pint glass I had that didn’t actually hold a pint I’d... be able to afford

Nexon is getting so good at ruining games with potential that they’re now cancelling them pre-launch!

are your arms so noodly that you can’t even hold your arm up for the duration of your voyage?

absolutely will do! you first though :D

not to be a contrarian asshat but there are several reasons beyond the legitimacy of the claim to withdraw legal action just as there are several reasons to accept a settlement bargain when you are likely to win your case.

yeah and that prize winner might sell their old console used so that “look at how poor I am, pity me!” people can buy it and start buying games.

almost like being in a community is not the same as being in a hivemind.