just as a quick preamble: I’m one of those people who will typically park in the furthest away section of a parking lot to reduce the likelihood of getting dings and scrapes in the parking lot, but I’m not one to double park or park at an angle.
just as a quick preamble: I’m one of those people who will typically park in the furthest away section of a parking lot to reduce the likelihood of getting dings and scrapes in the parking lot, but I’m not one to double park or park at an angle.
I hope the face buttons aren’t used for much, that looks like pretty horrible placement if you need to use them often...
I know that feel from when I was house-hunting 4 years ago, and I just wanted a two car garage with enough space for a workbench and maybe a few floor-model power tools, presses, etc. Thankfully I found this split entry house for a complete steal where the one previous owner was an electrician who ran his business out…
This is the truth in North America and Europe; literally any comment that says otherwise is factually wrong.
salted roads. RIP my tires
a thrice handed-down 3-door ‘87 Tercel was my first ever car and I still miss it. No matter what it always started, it always got me where I was going and the powertrain never needed any work beyond routine maintenance. I retired it with something like 400,000km on the odometer when the sketchy mechanic our sketchy…
I came in with the mentality that S30Zs are NP at any price, but at that price I’d rather find one without the custom bodywork
I bet that’s the moment he hears the skeet skeeting
yo, those are the turn signals. The headlights are still the headlights.
no one keeps a shotgun in the closet then?
It is paradoxically so that this is both how homeowners get shot and killed by their assailant and how homeowners prevent themselves from getting shot and killed by their assailant. I would much rather hide in my closet and call the police and keep my short barrelled shotgun readied as a last resort in case my…
yo, I ain’t even gay and I’d totally wear that suit with the jaunty cravat instead of the necktie. You don’t have to be LGBT to be fabulous!
that was 150% the reason I passed on the videogame.
yo, what’s wrong with anime girl avatars?
protip: you don’t have to be a total fan of the anime/manga to be allowed to like the game.
I’ve been calling for a thumbstick on my mouse for years, but that tilt function looks way over-engineered and I can’t imagine it doing anything but making normal mouse movement worse while only providing dubious new functionality for a very narrow niche. I’d maybe consider buying one if you could lock the tilt bit…
I’ve been calling for a thumbstick on my mouse for years, but that tilt function looks way over-engineered and I…
Count^5-point: twin-charging tho
because anti-lag is the coolest? If your turbo car doesn’t have brap brap then what are you even doing with your life? #braplife
I recall having quite a hearty laugh when someone in an argument about the safety of using microwaves tried to cite a “study” that heavily suggested that microwaves altered the DNA of water.