
Sadly they don’t always. Or half the time when they do, they have like 3 feet of extra length. I fit in this weird chasm where I’m just a little too big to shop at normal stores but a little too small for big/tall clothes to fit me right where they expect you to either be Terry Crews or the same volume as a Honda Fit.

yeah, by my last run my instructor guy had me wait until the 10 yard marker before I got on the brakes and that was definitely nerve wracking for me. I remember thinking how insane it was that the GT3 could handle that no problem. Yeah I’m thinking there must have been brake failure causing an inability to shed speed,

shit yeah I just drove the 911 GT3 there back in November. I think you’re right, it looks like the quick hard right into a long sweeping left. it’s paved the whole way through even on the “infield” part of it. I topped out at 144mph at the end of that straight. It seemed safe enough because if you blew the braking

I don’t think it needs to be the future of gaming. It being the likely future of simrigging is good enough for me.

but if we knew more about it we probably wouldn’t want it so bad. If they could they’d probably want it to remain a mystery months after it releases.

interesting, I had never considered that McDanks might be different depending on region, demographics, or other markers.

gotta get the McDank— it’s a quarter pounder with cheese and a McChicken, add the whole McChicken to the quarter pounder like it’s a topping so it goes bun ketchup mustard pickles onions bun lettuce mayo chicken bun cheese quarter pound beef cheese bun.

That’s exactly the same complaint I have with the double big mac: the meat to bun to toppings ratio goes out of whack. The big mac is absolutely greater than the sum of its parts and messing with that balance has grave consequences.

Nidhogg would be hype as fuck on the main stage.

I thought despite it being really fun to play, it was a snorefest to watch and matches took forever to complete. If it gets back in then I feel like they should make EVO a 4 day event.

I’d suggest Gundam Extreme Vs and Dissidia are as fighting game as Pokken is so they should at least get a similar level of consideration.

yeah, I imagine those accounts are just straight gone anyway by the time Sony can act on them.

I’m more concerned for the future of Eidos if they’re primarily doing comic book/movie license games.

how about the devs like that haircut and think enough players will like that haircut that it won’t affect who buys the game?

If I had to guess I’d say Asari commandos

but why?

why would you need surround sound for a sports event?

why would you need surround sound for a sports event?

yeah really, if I died like that the obit would probably include “Acidboogie died doing what he loved— motorboating a pair of titties”

Asseto Corsa, Eve: Valkyrie, Redout, BlazeRush, Smashing the Battle, and Pinball FX?

although your point stands for Castlevania, Nintendo’s blanket ban ended at the SNES generation.