Serpent in the Staglands delivered wonderfully.
Serpent in the Staglands delivered wonderfully.
helps with the apex seal-based indigestion.
No kill it with fire? Fuck that. This person should be publicly shamed for asking that price for that monstrosity. I think it might still be a crack pipe even if he accidentally an entire zero on their asking price.
Well said, dude!
I think the front end kind of looks like a fancy moustache, like the kind you’d see accompanied by a bowler hat, a monocle, and a spot of tea
Jalopnik in a nutshell:
Ha ha, I love NiN too... mostly for the metal on metal experience :D
heh I think he was making a joke on Trent Reznor’s behalf since Nine Inch Nails sounds like grinding metal on metal :D
Blame Apple for dropping the use of the words “personal computer” in their promo materials in the late 80s and then doubling down on it by making those us vs them “I’m a mac, and I’m a PC” advertisements in the late 90s.
row, row, row the gears
I was helping fix up a friend’s Fit for sale and we did the exact same with a heatgun and bare hands. I was quite surprised ad how well it worked. I was only expecting it to partially work or make the damage seem less bad, but after 5 minutes of futzing you’d only really see it if you were looking for it.
or they’d look at it as a chance to dust off their cool explosive device destruction robot.
Weapons of Mass (air flow sensor) destruction.
This. I don’t think it’s particularly unreasonable for an average joe to want an authority’s eyes on something suspicious looking like a DIY electronics project.
I bet you could grab a handful of random microelectronic components, tape them all up in a bundle, have dark skin, and have 99% of the general public think you’re holding onto a bomb.
buy a great new display, shit, need a new video card now!
wow, you sound like you have a lot of unresolved issues.
wow, you sound like you have a lot of unresolved issues.