heh, I just imagined someone on one of those storage auction shows buying a storage locker packed full of power tool cases at a huge premium only to find every case empty.
heh, I just imagined someone on one of those storage auction shows buying a storage locker packed full of power tool cases at a huge premium only to find every case empty.
then why didn’t you say so from the beginning?
Well considering War of the Roses beat them to market by a week and it wasn’t even the first...
For sale: Your choice of any current VW model, slight heat blemishes, ran when parked.
lolwut? Chivalry first? Nah dawg you din’t just do that.
And in other news, Mountain Dew owners PepsiCo (NYSE:PEP) stock plummeted 30% just minutes after the announcement, our correspondents are reaching out to the not publicly traded Frito-Lay, parent company of Doritos for a reaction...
That feeling when every couple of months I go to amazon to pre-order the NA release only to realize I already have a pre-order from the first moment it was possible.
$20k? I’d consider it for like $8k brand new... If I’m going to look like a tool on 3 wheels for $20k I may as well throw in another $2k and get a polaris slingshot... At least then I could pay some hobo to sit in the passenger seat to share the shame while I drive it.
I think, thankfully, the game’s been out long enough that people generally know better. I don’t even get flamed for turning the match into “4v5 teamfights” anymore.
Heh, I have a Juke and I always have to correct my local Nissan dealership’s service advisor: “it’s Juke, not Jute. J-U-K-E”
dumbest thing I’ve ever done in HotS? Probably sometime in my first dozen or so matches against real people ever played, pinging Abathur for hiding in a bush doing “nothing”
I’m surprised front-facing exhausts aren’t a thing yet.
you’re kind of on the right track here. With proper matchmaking you don’t even have to worry about making fair matchings between PC and console because the most ranking systems in use are completely platform agnostic. If a player has a high MMR despite the apparent handicap of using a gamepad then that means they’re…
yep, always assumed it was an alternator/bad battery issue.
that’s an awfully funny way of spelling “Claw” you’ve got there...
I keep hearing about the III having laughably bad suspension, is that true or is it just like “it’s not a IV so I’ll find a reason to hate the III” kind of complaint?
Would you like to buy a titan pack? 1 Titan $1, 3 Titans $2.99, 10 Titans $9.97 (BEST VALUE)
I recently parked in a place where you swipe your credit card to enter (which I’m assuming they use as a timestamp to calculate the fee on exit) then you just swipe your credit card at the exit where it charges you the amount you owe. It was supposed to be $8 per day, but I parked it on a friday and retrieved it the…
turn it into a drift missile? The next owner is going to molest everything else, so may as well “creepy uncle touch” the drivetrain as well.
I dropped my exhaust last week, had to get my mechanic to do a quick and dirty weld job so I could take a trip later in the week. Now I’ve really got to order the aftermarket exhaust I’ve been eyeing so I can replace the patch job.