
According to the theory, the answer to hard-set minimum MPG ratings was to just make bigger, heavier vehicles to get bumped up to a higher weight class that had a less strict MPG restrictions.

Well thought out, mang.

omg guys, stop bidding on this plz.


good... good.

well, if they're smashing your ears into the arms then the ear cups are too small. If they're smashing the arms into your head you need softer plush pads.

yep, I'm sold. Will finally buy a PS4 for this. Let's hope we get an NA release though.

Nice Price at any price.

I think the Korean/Japanese manufacturers get stuck in this trap of "Well, Americans are already weary of us for not being American so we should strictly adhere to our idea of what Americans want"

Nissan sometimes has an interesting metallic bright blue but they like to cancel it after the first batch.



If I were rich I would buy it just to crush it and put it out of its misery. I would bring the crusher to the sale and crush the car the moment the transaction is complete just so the seller can watch the fate of his abortion.

that feel when your retina scanner is -40C and you get your face stuck to the door.

you just can't handle how swole he is.

looks like you could have used some time with a liberal arts degree :D

yeah fuck this whole thing entirely. Gotta get keyless to get a heater steering wheel? eat shit and die you bean-counting chodes.

well apparently the metro i3 allowed them to hit like 60mpg out of the box, but they were making some tweaks to hit their 80mpg target.

well it is essentially a geo metro's engine

well not quite. From the horse's mouth: they took the geo metro engine and design, then custom rebuilt and redesigned everything.