
I think that's why that is a myth that needs to die— it is untrue.

ABS straight up does the pulsing better than a human can. The thing is just as without ABS, slamming the brakes is still going to cause them to lock up. You want to be gradually but consistently on, then backing off when your wheels start to slide. This means you still have to consider leaving larger distances to

well, they 'proved' that rolling down a window vs AC was negligible. On a single car. I think you'd need to do some wind tunnel testing to see if that holds true for NACA duct windows and the pictured window style.

can't you just buy a shitload of back2black and bathe your car in it?

until you take your first nasty spill and have to hump a broken arm and busted bike back down a 3k trail to get in your car and drive 10k back into civilization to seek medical treatment.

no I didn't know that. I thought it would be $1 per mile of cable and you could float that cable into space instead of digging it under ground.

Why would anyone want to do that? Maybe because they want their own private network configured around small packets with low latency?

I always put it in then rotate clockwise 90 degrees before rotating back counterclockwise by about 20 degrees.

That used to work for me until smartphones. Had wallet in one front pocket, keys in the other. Now wallet + keys is too thick and can be painful if the keys get between the wallet and my leg, keys + smartphone is a recipe for destruction.

just be glad they didn't eat corn beforehand...

but what if it makes his dick fly off?

...Poop, uh, finds a way.

not necessarily, but probably.

it could potentially help with day to day use indirectly... by that I mean removing the added overhead of processing the game's traffic with the rest of the internet's traffic.

people don't actually use the "PC gaming master race" label seriously. It's a joke about fanboys dealing in absolutes.

The Fairchild Channel F's 'Jet-Stick' has a bit of a 70s sex toy vibe, but the console itself was pushed as an early competitor to the Atari 2600. According to zadoc, "the controller features 8-way directional movement and for actions; twist left, twist right, plunge, and pull up."

if it isn't it should be. Situational Awareness goes out the fucking window with headphones.

If they can hit their numbers I'll buy one just for giggles.

to be fair, they could just be honestly unsure about how driving in such a way has an effect on your car because they do not understand how cars even work in the first place.

Can't tell if I'd be more liable to play with it or cut myself on it...