Corey Hart

That was such an interesting idea that I wish they would have let breathe more instead of Alfred telling Bruce his father was actually a good(ish) guy in the next scene.

The little peak around the corner like “did they buy it?” Hathway does after ending her damsel in distress charade is just perfection.

Spot on. People stand around and rubberneck bears.

It’s very strange because the cast is great but this show is dreadful. Maybe the book is really good?

This is my biggest criticism of the new trilogy and I don’t feel it gets brought up enough. Outside of the opening scene in TFA, Kylo is bested so often. It doesn’t help that Rey so easily mops the floor with him for three movies that she never feels to be in real danger. 

I kept waiting for it to turn into a joke but nope. 

You know what’s great about The Force Awakens? It’s fun! Watching it in a packed theater on opening night was easily the best movie-going experience I’ve ever had. Both the returning cast and the newcomers are totally locked in and captivating. 

Add to your list that the opening zombie attack is a beat for beat remake of An American Werewolf in London.

It’s tough to decide which of your reductive, off the mark points is the worst. Let’s go with calling Bowen Yang dressed up as an ICEBERG being in “white face”.

Ledger was unrecognizable in the best way possible. After seeing the first trailer I actually leaned over to my friend and said “I thought Heath Ledger was going to play The Joker?”.

I mean, it’s 30 years ago now.

This is especially true for characters as well known as Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman. 

On top of that, a lot of those regions have been allowed to write their own history and ignore the worst parts of American history. 

Bring back Colin Farrell!

Sadly those outnumbered followers have helped propel the GOP to minority rule through ridiculously gerrymandered districts.

Have you paid attention to our current President?

Now playing

And yet, the largest pop culture contribution from ESB isn’t a character but the iconic Imperial March. The scene when we first hear it is absolutely perfect. The way the music builds, our first view of the Executor, the reveal of Vader’s shiny new still gives me chills.

The impact of that re-release cannot be overstated. I’m around the same age as you and I liked the Star Wars movies before then. After seeing ESB on the big screen, I loved Star Wars. 

It’s OK” is how I’m assuming to react to this movie and was my sentiment towards The Last Jedi as well to be honest. I’m curious what you think TLJ set up though? I felt the weakest part of that movie was that it felt more like the final movie of a trilogy than the second. 

In the first of Abrams’ many supposed course corrections, Skywalker inserts Kylo right back into the Empire chain of command he emancipated himself from in Last Jedi.