Corey Hart

This may be an unpopular opinion, but I think the shark looks incredible to this day. Give me clunky, animatronic Bruce over the CGI monstrosities of Deep Blue Sea any day. 

Spielberg infamously dumped milk into a pool to recreate the murky Martha’s Vineyard water.

Part of the reason for Jurassic Park’s success is that the CGI is so good that the audience can share the character’s sense of awe in seeing living dinosaurs. It connects the viewer to the characters immediately and in a really unique way.

This sums up my biggest problem with TLJ. The audience went in with expectations about Snoke because he was established as important in the previous movie. 

Vader was force choking admirals five minutes earlier and even he thought Boba Fett was too hardcore. He had to single him out specifically to make sure he didn’t disintegrate anybody!  

Football is a sport that women will never be able to compete with men. For reference, the fastest women in the world would lose to the best HIGH SCHOOL boys and those women are much smaller and weaker than an NFL player.

Absolutely not. 

This is the important question. If we’re talking brown sugar, sure fair trade. If they were s’mores? Brother, you got hosed.

I got heavy Travolta in Pulp Fiction vibes from that scene which I’m sure was QT’s intent. 

I haven’t been that nervous watching someone in a car since Meadow Soprano was trying to parallel park.

Now playing

The scene with the video from the children’s birthday party in Signs. Up to that point the movie had only shown tiny glimpses of the aliens (which was for the better considering the ending) so I remember my friends and I leaning forward, straining to see an arm, a leg, anything. And then it was just, there. Our theater

Rocket is an excellent comparison not only for the liveliness of the animation, but the liveliness of the voice ACTING Cooper does compared to Beyonce & others just reading lines.

To Breath Taker’s point, Tywin only sacked Kings Landing to prove his loyalty to Robert since he had technically been on Aerys’ side.

HBO wanted Thrones to run for ten season. B&W are the ones who opted for eight seasons with 7 & 8 being shortened. They have no one to blame but themselves.

I’m 99% sure Rhaegal isn’t dead for three reasons:

D&D come off even worse in those things. 

Cersei has NEVER been conflicted about Tyrion. 

I think the writer’s just wanted to plant the seed of doubt in our minds about Jaime’s motivation. 

Gregor Clegane (The Mountain, not The Hound) killed them.

What if crossbow but big? Isn’t exactly advancing technology.