
I work daily with Covid cases (remotely) and honestly fully burnt myself out with a workload that increased exponentially and was that I finally relented and got the hell out for a vacation week.

Yeah, I think there's a difference between like "This person went to the gym (distanced and with a mask on) and I don't think it's safe!" vs "This person flew across the country to attend a huge in-person wedding with no safety measures". I don't think judging people for having different safety protocols is

EXACTLY. Rich and homegirl are being willfully obtuse with this shit.

Portland is home to the Performative Political White Person, probably some shitheads from black bloc who only show up to protests to smash windows.

Wait. so a child has a toy gun on his desk during a Zoom class, and he gets a visit from the cops and gets suspended ... but a politician brandishes his weapon in the Zoom meeting, and he gets a hearty belly laugh?

Those gay Nazis really balanced out the unsavory elements of the whole bunch. 

actually, given that its portland, the occams razor falls more likely on some really far left guys who consider biden too moderate decided to get all radical is not that unlikely, and requires far less work than that in the middle of super liberal portland, a group of white supremacists decided to dress up like

Those are all strong arguments, but I’m not yet swayed. Some mug shots or arraignment hearing coverage would probably settle it for me.

I guess he's ok as long as he didn't start greasing the barrel?

There are plenty of legitimate complaints about Biden and his proposed administration from the left. There are a lot more that are overly simplistic, falsely equivalent, overblown, or just plain wrong. There is no doubt in my mind that you could gather 150 or so people in the Portland OR area who believe that it is

I’m not sure how Biden went about actually firing each of the grossly under-qualified idiots

I think it would be a great way to unify our democracy if the GOP admitted that:

This is true. But the inaugural speech 4 years ago was all about “American carnage”. I’m fine with Biden talking about unity. And I don’t think it would be a great idea for him to get up there & start pointing the finger at the uneducated, immoral, lunatic deplorables who make up Trump’s base. No doubt that’s what

“ . . . he and his fellow Trump supporters had been “having fun” taunting the teens—but also said he was relieved when McKinney shot them because the thought they might be armed.”

First rule of owning a gun for personal protection. Don’t tell other people you have a gun for personal protection.

Girl, (in the Mississippi Delta English dialect) YOU AIN’T WHITE!

I agree.

I’d like to point out now that MAGA officially kills and harms Police officers, INTENTIONALLY!
And if you want to know the names and faces, they were all up on Jan. 6, 2021.
And in case I missed someone in the back...

Even if Kotaku continues to make Highlight Reel, without Chris’ voice it isn’t going to be the same. 556 episodes though, that’s a good run, I don’t think I missed one. Thanks Chris and all the best for the future.

Can’t believe I’m reading Harry Potter and the Audacity of these Bitches.