
You’re going to think I am trolling you, but I am not.

Dr. Anderson laments that nonviolence has erroneously been the vision of the Black fight for civil rights in America, saying, “nonviolence is only a recent invention.” He insists that Black Wall Street was a part of the Golden Age of Black Nationalism (1880-1920), and these folks prided themselves on being

Just to be absolutely clear though, Khamenei is an avowed Holocaust denier, and as such, this is the policy of the Iranian state. There is no question that the perspectives of the Iranian people diverge widely from those of the state, but anti-Semitism is a core tenet of the Islamic Revolution and is certainly

This was my question. Almost every comment here seems to indicate people think Zuckerberg is questioning whether Holocaust denial is good or bad, or alternatively whether the Holocaust actually happened. Obviously, these people are either quite silly or just looking for a reason to be aggressively outraged in the

This was 100% intentional. This article omits context and the Cali republican party response. They are being jerkoff trolls and probably hoping that they can create a couple fraudulent ballots in the process...but mostly, they are trolling. 

They’re trolling the dems. These ballots are all centered around businesses and locations that draw republican voters. When the Cali republican party was called out on it, they said that yes, they were doing it, and that it was because Dems had voted against vote harvesting -- their spokesman went so far as to say


Replied to the wrong person, and yes, there’s some overlap. Not surprising given the issues with the article itself. Thanks for being so graceful about it.

Here’s the thing though, Arsinoe was born in the absence of Cleopatra’s mother. They had the same dad, but probably different mothers. The article provided in the link is about Arsinoe’s mother, not Cleopatra’s.

How is that counting it against her? Pence was a boor and interrupted her. She successfully got her time back. The methodology is: how long did the candidates speak. That doesn’t seem odd. 

As rude as Pence was, and as typically white male as his behavior may have been, the two candidates spoke for almost the exact same amount of time and Harris successfully got back the time she lost to his interruptions. Page allowed both candidates to speak beyond their allotted times. People are criticizing her far

Abbott is an enemy of the people. This is a criminal act. I can only hope that someone will be held accountable once (if) Trump is removed from office.

Some of their grievances sound legitimate to me, and I think it’s clear that if nothing else, there was a major culture clash at play, but the discussion around this particular headline was really messy, and I don’t think it reflects especially well on the students. On the other hand, I can envision a situation in

So, I respect your opinion and agree with the premise that journalism can be and often is molded by the opinions of wealthy, white, establishment forces. Hard to argue that. However, I am responding to what the article said - “the traditional definition of objectivity” not “how objectivity is enforced”- and I think

“She was just like, well, this is journalism. You have to be objective. You have to be objective to be a journalist…Should the gatekeepers of journalism–predominantly older white men and more recently white women—get to decide what role a traditional definition of ‘objectivity’ should hold in the newsroom?”

like hiring and commissioning Black creatives”

Lol. White history? The idea that the Egyptians are a multiethnic people that is more or less the same now as they were at the height of their imperial power is white history? Fuck you. 

Saying that the people of Kemet depicted themselves as Black people is taken directly from Afrocentric scholarship. This is not the mainstream scholarly perspective, within Egypt and elsewhere. It is a projection popularized by a specific subset of scholars. In fact, “race” in the modern American sense is

“And how the people of Kemet was just and extension of the people of Kush and others further north on the Nile (south on a map.)“

Wow, you need an introduction to population genetics and a history book that wasn’t written with an Afrocentric, nationalist agenda.